Chapter Twenty

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Tae-moon looked at me with a blank face before he fell against my desk laughing.

"You're joking, right?"

"They'll be here on Saturday." I said simply and his face straightened.

"You're actually fucking serious."

"Why would I joke about this?" I stared at him and he scoffed.

"You know, Kwang-Do said you've been going crazy lately, but this is..." He shook his head back and forth slowly. "Wow." I sighed silently and folded my arms over my chest.

"It's just for one night."


"I need them to find whoever is killing these people in my club." I grumbled. "It's bad for business to have people dying and cops showing up every week."

"Are you sure you're not just offing these guys yourself so you can see that sweet ass cop Se-Hee's been mentioning?" He winked at me and I wanted to slap that look off his face. I almost did, but he'd probably tell his father and I needed him to stay away from the club for a while. Tae – Moon and I might have been raised together, but he was Tae – Joon ssi's biological son. He always came first.

"Are you just going to sit there and bitch and whine, or say what you came here to say?" I said, mildly irritated. He looked at me like I was crazy and took out a cigarette from his jacket, flicking a match and lighting it as he observed me.

"Appa wants you to double the usual stock this weekend. How the fuck are we supposed to do that with cops around?" He mumbled around the butt. I had no idea, but I had to trust Baekhyun when he said they were willing to turn a blind eye. What else could I do?

"We'll make it work." I muttered. "You can't change anything though, or it will look suspicious. Just make sure your VIP's don't start any shit while they're here." I gave him a look to remind him of the last time someone had had one too many pills and started hallucinating.

"Oh, come on, that was ONE time."

"It was three times, and I still have bullet holes in my bar. It's fucking mahogany, Tae – Moon." He huffed loudly and blew out a long stream of smoke.

"Fine, I'll talk to them."

"I'm serious." I warned him.

"I said I'll talk to them." He said, sounding like when he'd been a sulking teenager. "I can handle my boys. Can you?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stared him down and after a while he caved, shrugging and shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing. I'll see you Saturday." He said and promptly left my office. I heaved out a heavy sigh and sat down in my chair. Well, that hadn't gone as badly as I thought it would. I'd expected to argue for much longer. I knew I had made the right decision but...

I couldn't help but feel just a little sick. I don't even know why. I just... everything was just ...confusing lately. At some point, my life had slipped into a rhythm I was fairly comfortable with and it was all shot to shit right now. I liked knowing what I was going to happen during my day the second I woke up. Now, every day was a surprise and it was making me feel off balance.

"Boss. Delivery." Gonho said from the door and I nodded as I clicked off my screen. I yawned as I walked down the stairs, and again when I signed for my stack of boxes. I hadn't been getting any sleep lately. I don't know what kept me up more; my recent nightmare or laying in my bed at night and thinking about Baekhyun. The courier tilted his head as he looked at me.

"Thanks." I mumbled and handed the paper with my signature back to him.

"Hey...are you Mr Park?" He said looking up at me with shiny eyes. Uh oh...

"No..." I said bluntly. He didn't listen.

"You are!" He blabbered on. "I saw you on TV. On the news. With that... Cool. I knew I recognized this address..." He peeked around me to look inside the club and I rolled my eyes, gesturing to Gonho to help me get the boxes inside and upstairs.

"You're getting pretty famous, eh, Boss?" He grunted as he got to the top of the stairs.

"Famous, my foot." I grumbled. "Go get the last box and meet me in the office." He smirked in my direction but left quietly while I carried the box over to my desk. I slid my drawer open and took out the small knife sitting inside. I sliced through the tape and opened the flaps carefully. Inside, in a special silver case, was the brand-new set of pool balls that I'd ordered when I'd gone to the games room store. They looked great. The second I'd seen the transparent balls, I'd fallen in love with them. Now looking at them made my chest ache and my lungs feel airy.

"Here you go, Boss." He put the last box on my desk and I nodded.

"Thanks, Gonho." I whispered and he left, closing the door gently behind him. I looked at the box of balls one last time before I closed it and lifted it again, taking it with me as I made my way upstairs to my apartment.

I dropped the box on the card table in my games room and took out the silver case. I packed away the balls currently on my pool table and rolled my new ones onto the felt. They really did look good, the grey felt making the white numbers on them pop. I gathered the balls to one side and fit my new black triangle around them, then took a step back to admire them.

It didn't take long for my mind to wander though. The last time I had even been in this room, I'd had Baekhyun moaning and writhing on this table. I rolled my neck to loosen the sudden tightening in my shoulders, but I couldn't stop myself from getting hard. He'd looked especially delicious that day, hair a little fluffy and his face soft with sleep. I should have given him something of mine to wear though. I don't think any of it would have fit, but it hurt more than I thought it would to see him in Seojun's things.

I sniffed sharply and spun on my heel, walking straight to my bedroom. I tugged open the bottom drawer roughly, but my hands were shaking so much I couldn't make them take his clothes out. Fuck. Still so many years later and I couldn't get him out of my system. He was worse than any of the cocktail of drugs he'd been taking, honestly.

I slammed the drawer shut and went to bed.

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now