Chapter Thirty One

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A/N: This is late because my hand was cramping so badly yesterday (and a bit tonight) that I thought it would fall off, and Magnesium tablets are USELESS OMFG 😢😢😢

While I was staring at my screen, and contemplating cutting my hand off, I also thought about entering this monthly short story amateur writers column for a magazine that's pretty popular here. I sort of have an idea but I don't know if I'll enter or not. The reward for a original story is 1000 Rand (I'm not sure if that's alot of money in whichever country you're reading from lol, but it's a lot for me) and it's tempting...we'll see. 😑

Anyway, let's get back to the story. (This is getting pretty close to the end now. WHAT?) 😵


Chanyeol decided to forgo parking underground and pulled up outside the front of the hospital, switching off the car with a flick of his wrist and I hesitated. I didn't want to leave the warmth for the cold, stinging rain outside. Even in Chanyeol's super warm hoodie, it had still prickled when we'd left his apartment.

While I was debating if getting out of the car was worth it or not, Chanyeol had made his way around to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"Damn it." I sighed and stepped out, but despite the cold, no rain fell on my head. I looked up quickly and blinked at the giant black umbrella. I hadn't even seen him pull it out...

"Let's go." He said, pressing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me towards the hospital doors. It was a brief walk to the elevators and Chanyeol gave me a look when I spent the ride up to the third floor rubbing my hands together to keep them warm.

"What?" I pouted at him. "It's fucking freezing in here. Why is the AC on?" I muttered and followed Chanyeol when the doors pinged open.


"They just left." Gonho pointed down the hallway to the nurses station while looking at me only for a brief second. "They said you can go in, but he might still be loopy."

"Thanks." I said as we walked past him into the quiet room. I stayed back as Chanyeol walked around to the side of Myung-Jun's bed. His eyes fluttered open when he felt Chanyeol touch his forehead.

"Hey. I heard you finally woke up." Chanyeol said and the stars in Myung-Jun's eyes made me want to roll my eyes. I didn't though. It was hard being petty with someone who almost died. Myung-Jun pointed at his throat and mimed talking with his hands. "You can't speak yet?" A single nod. Great. I kept my sigh to myself and pulled out my phone so I could text Jin-young to meet me here when he woke up. Maybe he would bring coffee too. I hadn't remembered to grab any on the way over.

"I know it's hard, but can you try? This is Detective Byun Baekhyun. He's looking into what happened to you that night at the club. Do you think you could tell him what happened?" Chanyeol sat down on the edge of the bed and Myung-Jun had a small frown on his face. He shook his head carefully. "You don't ...want to tell him? Oh, you can't remember?"

I bit my lip in frustration when he nodded. Fuck. My whole investigation right now was hinging on whether or not Myung-Jun could remember who had attacked him. It was getting too close to the weekend again for me to just be sitting around like this...

"Baekhyun?" I looked up at Chanyeol when he called me. Sometimes, when he said my name the right way, my skin would prickle and crawl with goose bumps... "Can you move out of the way, Myung-Jun can't see the TV screen." The tingly warm feeling in my stomach sank like a ball of lead and landed somewhere on the floor next to my jaw. I blinked at him slowly and caught the small smile on Myung-Jun's face. I took a quick look behind me and there was no way I was even blocking the TV at all. Maybe my hair was brushing the bottom of the screen but that was...what the fuck was there to watch on TV at 4 in the morning anyways...

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