Chapter Twenty Eight

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I rolled my shoulders and groaned as they popped loudly. I'd been at this crime scene for four hours now and it was starting to grate on my nerves

"Can we speed this up please? I'd like to solve this case before next year." I grunted and the M.E shot me a dark look.

"I'm moving as fast as I can." I returned his stare with one of my own and he muttered under his breath as he went back to work moving the body onto the stretcher with help from his assistant.

Once the body was up, I motioned to Jin-young to start taking photos again. The amount of blood on the floor was enough for me to agree with my initial assessment that the victim, 45 year old Kim Hye-rim, was killed in this room. That meant the blood in the bathroom was probably from the killer washing his hands before he left.

"Did you manage to get some plaster?" I asked him when he was done and pulled on some fresh gloves.

"Right here." He patted a box next to his feet and I nodded once.

"You can go cast the footprints outside. I'll finish up inside."


I collected some more samples and put them away carefully in my evidence bag. It looked like most of the blood was the victims, but there were a few drops away from where the body had been that I was hoping was the killers. With the defence wounds on my victims arms and legs, she hadn't gone down without a fight.

The drive back to the station was quiet; Jin-young was asleep in the passenger seat and only stirred when I nudged him gently after I parked the car.

"Come on. We just need to drop this off then you can go home." I coaxed him out of the car and he mumbled sleepily.

"I'm fine. I can - "

"You can fill out paperwork tomorrow." I interrupted him and he sniffed, rubbing a hand over his eyes.

"Thanks, hyung."

"Don't worry about it."

Jin-young left not long after he'd dropped off and labeled all the evidence he'd been responsible for and I yawned as I sat down at my desk again. To be honest I was just as tired as Jin-young but I was scared to go home. What if Chanyeol was there again, waiting for me? I had left him alone in bed this morning and I wasn't sure what he was thinking now. I wasn't sure what I was thinking now either. Once, twice...three times. It would be ridiculous to call it a mistake again. I had just been infinitely weak and stupid. Why did I turn into a useless pile of hormones when he was around?

I shook my head and tried to focus on the work in front of me. Blood swabs. DNA samples. Fingerprints. The list was starting to blur in front of me when Fei Long from the Organized Crimes AKA Gang Unit came up to my desk.

"Can you look over these for me quickly?" She asked, handing me a few sheets of paper.

"What is it?"

"You were working with Hyun-jae on the car, right? He went home already so can you tell me if the casings are a match?"

"You found the other car?" I asked as I paged through her notes. "Yeah, it looks about the same." Magnums and AR-15s... I'd never seen Chanyeol with a gun, but if he'd grown up with the likes of Kim Tae-Moon, he had to have one, right?

"Thanks. I'll give this to my team leader then." She smiled at me and I pursed my lips as I gave her back her papers.

"You've been with the Gang Unit for a while now, right?"

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