Chapter Twenty Four

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"Kwang Do, I'm going to head home for a bit." I told him and he nodded as he checked his watch.

"Sure, Boss. If I'm not here when you get back, have a good night." I slapped him on the shoulder and tugged my phone out of my pocket as I walked up to the bank of elevators.

"What?" Baekhyun answered gruffly and I held back a sigh.

"I was just calling to give you an update."

"Is he awake?" I heard rustling in the background and a muffled curse as something fell.

"Not yet. They said that there's a little swelling in his brain so they're waiting for that to ...are you OK?" I asked just as an elevator dinged and the doors opened for me.

"Hold on." He huffed and there was some more rustling for a while. "Sorry. My noodles ..." He sighed again. "What were you saying?"

"You know what, I'll call you back." I said and hung up before he could answer.

I hit redial when I got out of my car.

"Chanyeol, you know some of us are busy people and - "

"Open the door."

"What?" He breathed and I put down my package so I could knock on the door. There was a moment of silence and then the door in front of me swung open. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought food." I said, picking up my package again and shoving it into his hands.


"I think the correct response would be 'Thank you'." I said and pushed past him into his house.

"Wha - I ...Who said you could come inside?"

"You were the one who said you didn't want your neighbours to see me." I blinked at him and he sneered as he closed the door.

"That doesn't mean you can just walk in." He muttered and opened the packet in his hands. "What is this?"

"I already told you it was food." I said, taking off my jacket and hanging it over the back of the chair he had been sitting on. The laptop on the table was still on and I could see scribbles of his notes beside it.

"Don't look at those." He said, slapping at my hand when I tried to flip through his notebook. "I mean...Why are you bringing me food?" I shrugged and leaned my hip against the desk.

"You mentioned noodles when I called. I was going to get food anyway so I brought you something better." I mumbled. To be honest, it wasn't really just about feeding Baekhyun. When I'd heard he was eating noodles at this time of the night, his conversation with that green-eyed idiot from this weekend had flashed through my mind. Now there was no reason to call him, right? At least for tonight.

"Chicken and beer?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"What, you don't like chicken?" I frowned.

"I don't like beer." He shot back and dropped the food on the table. "Wait here. Don't touch anything."

Baekhyun groaned loudly and sank back into his seat, patting his stomach gently.

"Oh man, that was good."

"It would have been better with beer." I shook my half empty can.

"Cola is just fine. And I'm working." He mumbled, closing his eyes. I downed the rest of the can quickly and squashed it in my hand.

"You're always working."

"Perks of being a - " I let out a loud burp and Baekhyun's eyes flew open. "Did you just..." His nose wrinkled cutely and I laughed. "Don't laugh, that was disgusting."

"Oh come on, everybody burps."

"Not like that." He replied with wide eyes and I leaned forward in my seat so I was closer to his face. When I burped again, he spluttered and waved his hands in the air. "Jesus, get away from me."

"Now you do one." I said.


"Come on!" I opened my mouth and he slapped his hand over it quickly.

"If you burp in my face again, I'll throw you out the window, I swear." He laughed. I held up my hands to show acquiesce and he moved his hand.

"I still say beer is better." I grumbled and he stuck out his tongue at me. He rolled his eyes at me and stood up.

"You need to go home. I have work to do and you stink." He said.

"I feed you and you're kicking me out?" I gasped and he pursed his lips stubbornly. "In case you forgot, OFFICER, I was just drinking. Do you really want me back on the road right now?"

"You're barely even buzzed." He eyed me carefully. "And it's DETECTIVE. There's a difference."

"Whatever." I waved away his explanation and stood up too. "I can just stay here, right?"


"You slept over at my house." I argued and his mouth slammed shut. His jaw ticked minutely and he ran a hand through his curls before he grunted in defeat.

"Fine. You can stay."

I took the spare toothbrush Baekhyun had given me and brushed my teeth while he went back to his work laid out on the dining table. After I washed my face and my hair to get rid of the hair gel, I undressed and shuffled back into his bedroom. It was much smaller than mine, and the colours were lighter, but I liked it. It suited him.

I almost laughed when I slipped under the covers and my feet hung over the end of the bed. I had forgotten mine had been custom made for a reason. Fuck, he was tiny. I rolled over and wriggled around until I was lying on the bed diagonally and it was only marginally more comfortable. Baekhyun was right, I was still fairly sober and I could have driven myself home easily but I just...didn't want to leave just yet.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but when my eyes opened later, I saw Baekhyun getting undressed next to his chest of drawers. I let my eyes rove over his back as he took off his shirt. The muscles under his skin rippled and I followed the lines of his curves all the way down as he dragged his sweat pants down over his ass. I felt a sharp pang of regret that I hadn't gotten a close look at it yet. Fuck, it was perfect. Round and soft and -

"Go to sleep, Chanyeol."

"I was waiting for you." I said hoarsely and he looked at me over his shoulder.

"I have to go to the hospital and check on Myung-jun." He replied.

"My guards will call me if anything happens." I muttered. "You should come to bed."

"I'm not sleeping with you, Chanyeol."

"I - "

"There's no space. Where am I supposed to sleep?" He kicked the corner of the bed and I tapped on my chest.

"Here." He snorted out loud and put the shirt in his hand on.


"I'll sleep on the couch." I sat up quickly and grabbed for his hand before he could get very far.

"Just sleep here. I'll behave. I promise." He looked at me like I was speaking Mandarin. "I promise." I held up my pinky finger and he scoffed softly, smacking it away but after a moment he joined me on the bed. 

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