Chapter Seven

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I sat down at my desk in the middle of the bull pen and twisted the USB around in my hand. What was it that Chanyeol didn't want me to see on here? The curious side of me was chomping at the bit and it almost physically hurt to put it aside so I could fill out some necessary paperwork for a bit.

I had an ID for my most recent vic, but there was only an address; no contact info for any possible next of kin. A phone might have been great, but there hadn't been one when we'd emptied his pockets. I highly doubted someone his age didn't have a phone.
Maybe he'd forgotten it at home, but it was also likely with the body being out in the open all night in the alley, that someone had spotted him and thought he'd passed out, snatched his phone and run for it.

I let out a yawn and rolled my shoulders slowly. Fuck, my back was killing me. I couldn't wait for my shift to be over so I could go home.

"Hey. I heard we got another body." Jin-young said, leaning against my desk.

"Yeah. Kang Shi-Yeok. I sent over some officers to his apartment but it was empty so I was just searching for next of kin." I grumbled and held up a paper I'd scribbled an address on. "You want to come with?"

"Sure. Got nothing else to do." He smiled at me and I nodded.

Jin-young played some music on the way over to the address and I made a note to ask him for his playlist when I had time. It was far from the usual noise I found people listened to a lot these days and I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel lightly.

"This is it." He pointed at a beige house with a dark brown front door. I steeled myself as we got out of the car and walked up the drive to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Called a soft voice.

"SMPA, Ma'am."

"SMPA?" She asked when she opened the door, peeking out carefully. "Can I help you?"

"Is this the home of Mr and Mrs Kang?"

"Yes..." She eyed us both quietly.

"Hello. My name is Detective Byun Baekhyun. This is Officer Jin-young. May we come in?" I asked and her lips pinched.

"My husband is not home." She said stiffly and I gave her a nod. I understood she didn't want two strange men in her house when she was alone, even if we were police officers.

"Of course." I said and took a breath. "Mrs Kang, I'm sorry to tell you that your son's body was discovered last night. He was - "

"I don't have a son." She said tersely and I paused. There was no way I could be wrong. I had checked and cross checked all the information we had and all my resources had led me back to this address with this being the victim's mother. He looked like her, too. He had her cheeks, and her nose...

"Ma'am... Kang Shi-Yeok...Is that not the name of your son? 24 years old and - "

"My son died when he left this house and chose to live in sin." She said coldly and my jaw started to cramp. What?

"Mrs Kang. He was murdered." Jin-young said next to me softly, but her face didn't change.

"What happened to him is not my concern anymore. I'm sorry you wasted your time, officers." She said and gave us a nod before closing the door in our faces.

"What the fuck?" Jin-young whispered loudly and I wanted to nudge him for being rude, but honestly I was feeling the same way. What the actual fuck?

"Come on." I said, leading him back down the drive to my car.

"Jesus...what a bitch."

"Jin-young..." I warned, even though I was inclined to agree.

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