Chapter Six

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"Did you just hand that cop our camera footage?" Se-Hee asked me quietly.

"I didn't have a choice. I can't have him back here tonight. Mr Kim is coming." I muttered. When he'd called me earlier I'd nearly had a heart attack.


"Tonight." I scratched my neck.

"Tonight?" Se-Hee looked around and winced slightly. "Damn it."

"I know." I grunted and handed him my phone. "If he calls again, tell him I'm in the shower."

I let my head fall against the tiles in my shower, closing my eyes and taking a second to feel the random bout of grief washing over me. I hadn't expected to feel anything when I'd seen the body outside...but all I could do was replace the face of the poor boy on the floor with Seojun's. Fucking hell.I wasn't going to cry. Not now.

I hadn't seen the first body, but I'd heard about it. Strangled. Left draped over the toilet like a doll. Like he wasn't even worth being laid out on the floor. But seeing that second body laid out like that, neck bright purple and head twisted awkwardly...I wasn't sure it was much better. Dead was dead.

I needed to pull myself together and figure out how to convince Mr Kim that he didn't need to come over. I wasn't a child anymore. And despite the fact that he'd played a large part in raising me, I didn't need him checking up on me and my business like he was my father.

"No calls?" I asked when I got downstairs again.

"Just Boytoy Number #5." Se-Hee smirked and handed me my phone back. "He said he's been a bad boy."

"Jesus, don't say that to me." I laughed and pushed his face away from me when he brought it close, blowing me air kisses. "I thought I blocked his number already."

"It was on Private." He explained. I snorted and tucked my phone back in my suit pocket.

"Make sure you watch the doors. He'll probably try to sneak in tonight."

"Sure thing, Boss."

I was up in my office watching the crowd through the glass windows when there was a sharp knock on the door and it opened.

"Chanyeollie. It's been too long." Mr Kim said as he hobbled into the room. I nodded at his bodyguard who closed the door on us and I walked over to accept my adopted father's hug. He gave me a slow pat on the back and I tried not to let my worry show when he pulled back. It had been stronger a few months ago. And he hadn't needed a cane then too.

"You look old." I said almost jokingly. He chuckled and made his way to the chair behind my desk. Of course he would. There was no way he would act like a guest in his own home.

"I feel old. It's the bones. They creak when I move now and it drives me crazy." He muttered and sat down with a sigh. "How about you?"

"I feel fine." I said and he smiled.

"Good. That's good. But I have to ask..." He said slowly.

"Ask." I replied and folded my arms behind my back.

"One body is an accident. Two is...not." He raised an eyebrow and I held back a sigh.

"I...I know. And I'm dealing with it."

"Getting the cops involved is not dealing with it." He grunted.

"I didn't have a choice."

"Of course you did." He said softly. "If you had called me - "

"Tae-joon ssi...I can handle it." I said quietly. "I am handling it."

"This is not the way we work, Chanyeol."

"This is not the way YOU work." I said through gritted teeth. "Trust me. This will be over soon. You have nothing to worry about." I said, hoping with every fiber of my being that I was right to trust Detective Byun and everything would go back to normal when he solved his murders and disappeared.

"Bad boy is here." Se-Hee laughed as he walked up the stairs to the mezzanine.

"Fuck you." I saluted him with my glass of Soju and he snorted.

"He snuck past the guards. Slippery little fucker."

"Flexible." I muttered to myself. If I remembered correctly, he had no problem having his legs pinned to either side of his head. "I need to do something about these guards. They're all useless." I said as I finished my drink.

"We never had much trouble here before. I think they're just getting complacent. They aren't expecting someone to kill someone in 'broad daylight'." He gave me air quotes and leaned against the rail. "I'll talk to Gonho. OK?"

"Yeah." I said as I spotted my latest mistake making his way up the stairs with a smile on his face. Se-Hee followed my gaze and rolled his eyes with a groan.

"Hey, I don't tell you what to do often..." He paused when he saw the look on my face. "I don't. But that right there? That's a worse mistake than giving the cop that tape." He dropped to a whisper when the boy got closer.

"Hi. Chanyeol." He said my name so reverently that I almost felt bad I didn't remember his. Almost.

"I'll be downstairs." Se-Hee waved and left quickly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I had to see you." He gave me another warm smile and let his hand trail up my arm. "I missed you." You don't even know me, I wanted to say...but there was a second where the light flashed and he tilted his head and I remembered why I had chosen him in from the crowd in the first place. He looked so much like Seojun had. Before he had started to lose weight and had permanent bags under his eyes.

I took him to my office. I always did. No one I didn't trust set foot in my bedroom upstairs, and the couch along the wall was plenty comfortable.

"Yessss." He hissed when I worked my way inside him and his moans started to fill the room. Fuck, I'd forgotten about that too. He sounded like a wounded sea lion when he did that. Urgh, Se-Hee was right. This was definitely a mistake. Detective Byun was annoying, but I would take him over this poor boy any day. Take him...

I closed my eyes and saw brown curls on a pillow, pretty pink lips open like a bow and neck stretched so tight it looked like his veins would snap. What would the Detective sound like if he was under me like this right now? Definitely not like he was dying. No. I bet he was loud. So loud. And he'd claw at me with this beautiful hands. God...

"Shit." Came a whisper from below and another awkward groan. I watched him fall apart and then I got up and got rid of the condom. "Wait. You didn't..." He reached out to touch me and I slapped at his hand.

"Leave it. You can go." I muttered.

"Are you - "

"Go." I said roughly and he scrambled up from the couch.

I didn't watch him as he left. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now