Chapter Thirty

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When I woke up, it was dark. It didn't feel like I'd been asleep long, but my face felt puffy and when I touched it, it was burning a little. Was I getting the flu? I slipped out of bed carefully and tiptoed to the bathroom to wash my face. I didn't look at my face in the mirror. It was probably red and swollen and awful. When I felt much better, I shuffled back to bed and just as I slipped inside, strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm OK." I whispered back and Chanyeol tucked his head between my neck and my shoulder. I was a little embarrassed. It had been a long time since I'd cried quite so dramatically and I felt hot all over again thinking about Chanyeol seeing me like that. He hadn't made fun of me though... He'd held me close and whispered nonsense in my ear until I'd calmed down and fallen asleep. Sehun hadn't been anything like that...

"You know... I don't like cops." Chanyeol said softly. "I never have. They're always so... arrogant. Like their uniforms suddenly made them better people. Like they aren't even human anymore. They are gods. In a way I guess they are."

"I don't understand." I mumbled.

"No one else in the world has the kind of power you have, legally." He sucked in a quick breath. "You have the right to decide who lives and who dies. Even the people who run this country don't have that kind of power."

"I've never really thought of it like that before."

"So I don't like cops. I don't like anyone having that kind of power over my life." He said and leaned up on his elbow so he could look down at me. I could just make out his eyes in the dark. "But I forgot...that you really are just human." I swallowed hard and raised my hand to touch his face lightly.

"It's hard sometimes."

"You'll find him." He said gruffly. "Both of them. All of them. I know you will."

"It doesn't work that way." I let out a small sigh.

"You will." He said fiercely and I wanted to laugh for some reason. He seemed so sure and he barely even knew me.

"OK." I said simply and dark strands of his hair fell on his face.

"I don't like it when you cry..."

"I don't cry often." I whispered.

"I don't like it...but if you need to, you can always come here." A large painful lump started to form in my throat and it took ages for me to make my mouth move.


"My house is soundproof." He said and I had to laugh.

"God, you're so..."


"No." I lied.

"Hey. Didn't you see all those people wearing my face on t-shirts?" He spluttered.

"You probably hired them."

"Hire - You are so full of shit, you know that?" He scoffed and lifted his hand to squash my cheeks. "Gonho told me about your little piano comment."

"I wasn't joking." It came out a little garbled.

"I already have a piano."

"I knew it!" I laughed and he let my cheeks go, flicking his finger on my forehead. "Hey!" I kicked him under the blankets and he shouted out loud.

"What the hell?" He hissed, lifting the blanket to look at his leg. "Is it broken?"

"If you have to ask, it's not broken." I snickered.

"Police brutality." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be a baby. I didn't even kick you that hard. You didn't have to scream like that." He snorted and dropped the blanket, leaning over me with his hands on either side of my head.

"It's OK. I can make you scream too." He smirked at me.

"Oh, really now?" I asked softly when he lowered his body on top of mine and I could feel how hard he was against my leg. Uh oh.

"Do I need to remind you what happened last time?"

"Last time?" I asked breathlessly when his lips trailed up the side of my neck. The stubble on his chin was going to leave me red and scratched up again in the morning. I didn't care much.

Chanyeol left me alone and aching on the bed while he went to dig around in his drawers. Soft light flooded the room suddenly and I blinked up at the ceiling for a few seconds. Chanyeol was back on the bed moments later and I had to bite my tongue when he pulled off his shirt slowly. I don't know if he was doing it on purpose, but the way the light bounced off the shadows and crevasses in his skin...

My hands made their way up over his abs and I brushed my fingers along his pecs until I reached his nipples. Chanyeol hummed softly and the sound vibrated on my hands. I never was a big fan of muscles per se, but there was just something about the way Chanyeol moved that made it particularly sexy.

I slid my hands around his back when he leaned forward and pushed his way between my legs after he tugged my pants off. When warm fingers pressed inside me, I shivered underneath him and dug my nails into his skin. Jesus, that felt so good.

He spent way too long teasing me and by the time he finally did push into me, I was dying.

"Fuck." I gasped when he thrust into me so hard I saw stars. He did it again and I held on tighter. "Chanyeol...Fuck me..." I whimpered.

"Are you going to scream for me again?" He whispered in my ear and I groaned, arching up into his touch.

I tried not to scream. I really did....

My phone started ringing and I had the most violent urge to grab it and throw it out the window. Are you kidding me? I had barely been asleep for 10 minutes. Shit. I moaned pitifully and crawled off the bed to find where I had left it. On top of the drawers, right? I blinked rapidly when I got there and found my phone, screen still black, sitting silently.

"Turn it off." Chanyeol mumbled under the blankets.

"It's not mine." I yawned and dived back in the bed, covering my head with a pillow. Maybe if I hid under here long enough...

"Gonho. What the fuck? It's like, 4am." Chanyeol grunted sleepily.

"Sorry, Boss." I heard over the speaker. "But you told me to call you as soon as anything happened."

"Speak. Quickly. You have 10 seconds." Chanyeol murmured.

"He's awake."

"Hmm? Who's awake?"

"The kid. Myung-Jun. He just woke up a few minutes ago so I called the nurses and ..." I sat up on the bed quickly.

"He's awake?" I asked.

"I ...Detective? Is that you?"

"Is he OK? Can he speak?"

"I really don't know yet. The nurses are still inside." I shared a look with a wide eyed Chanyeol. I pleaded with my eyes.

"We'll be there soon, Gonho." He said and hung up.

"Thank you." I sighed and he shrugged.

"I would have gone now too either way."

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now