Chapter Thirty Six

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A/N: 2...3? Chapters left. Oof. Let's go! 🙌😆


I had to find him. I had to find Sehun. It had to be him... Chanyeol's security cameras inside the club were ridiculously blurry but I know Sehun. I knew how he he danced.

My heart was beating frantically against my ribs and all I could think about was how all the other victims had looked when we'd found them. So still and broken. Jin-young wasn't going to get here in time. I pushed my way through the crowd and one of the guards stopped me by the door.

"SMPA. You need to let me through." I showed him my badge and he stepped to the side. I stumbled outside and looked both ways but I couldn't figure out which way they must have gone. I bolted to the right because that way led to the alley behind the club and skidded to a stop when I saw nothing but some boxes stacked to one side.

"Damn it. Where are you?" I whispered into the air and spun around in circles. If I were Il Sung, where would I go? I jogged a little ways down the street and I still couldn't see anything so I took out my phone and pulled up my contact list. I hadn't spoken to Sehun since we'd broken up but I hadn't been able to bring myself to delete his number from my phone yet. I was glad I hadn't now. I held my breath while it rang.

"Sehun?" I blurted out when he picked up. "Sehunnie, is that you?"

"Baekhyun?" My knees just about buckled when I heard his voice. "What - "

"Where are you?" I panted and leaned against the wall next to me.

"What does that have to do with you?" He asked sounding defensive.

"WHERE. ARE. YOU!" I shouted and I could hear him suck in an annoyed breath.

"I'm out."

"Sehun, I swear to God, if you don't tell me where you are right now..."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He groused. "I went out to a club, OK. But I'm on my way home now."

"Home...alone. Are you alone?"

"Again, what does - "

"SEHUN! Jesus." I muttered and kicked a stone lying on the ground.

"Yes, I'm alone, if you MUST know." He grumbled. "I thought I was going to hook up with this guy but he just put me in a taxi and sent me home."

"Stay home, Sehun. Do you understand me? If you see that man again, call the police."

"The police? What the hell is going on?" He spluttered.

"I don't have time to explain. Just promise me, stay at home. DO NOT open the door for anyone you don't know." I hung up and swore when my phone beeped at me. I should have charged it when I'd had time at work. I would switch it off to save the battery but I what if Sehun tried to call me later? I was sticking my phone in my pocket when I felt a presence behind me. I looked over my shoulder and right there in the dark, far too close for comfort, was Il Sung.

"Il Sung." I said softly and he tilted his head as he looked at me.

"Hello, Baekhyun."

It was all he said before his hand shot out and he slammed my head against the wall.

I moaned softly and moved to lift my hand to touch my head but I couldn't.

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now