Chapter Thirty Seven

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It took forever to calm down the angry patrons as they were led out of the club 'too fucking early' as one or two of them had grumbled, but I was too stressed right now to worry about being polite or a good business man. I needed everyone to get the hell out so I could go out and find Baekhyun.

A sick feeling had started brewing in my gut around the time I lost sight of him, and it was gnawing at my insides like acid. He wasn't answering my calls and he didn't come back to the club. The longer I spent waiting for him, the worse the feeling got.

"Are you sure you saw him go this way?" Baekhyun's young police officer partner, Jin-young, asked me and I had to stop. I rubbed my hands over my face and prayed for my sanity while I tried to focus.

"No. I'm not sure."

"Then why are we going this way?" He asked. Because I needed to do something other than pace back and forth inside the club and wonder where the hell he was and if he was OK.

"If you want to look somewhere else, you're more than welcome." I murmured and carried on down the street, looking into ever dark corner that I could see. Still nothing.

"I just think we should regroup and we can have Patrol drive up and down the streets if - "

"You do what you need to do." I cut him off. He was starting to annoy me. You would think he would be just as anxious as I was to figure out where the hell Baekhyun was but it didn't seem like it.

"Hey, look." He grabbed the arm of my jacket and let it go quickly when I glared at his hand. "Look, I know you're like...worried the SMPA might be on your ass about it, but Baekhyun...he left on his own, OK? If anything happens to him, they won't blame you." I frowned at him.

"You think I'm worried because about your pissy ass police force?" I spat at him and scoffed out loud, spinning around and walking back up the street. I didn't have time for this. It had been too long already and the sick feeling had started to burn in my throat now. The last time I had felt like had been on a similar cloudy night that had ended up being the worst night of my life.

I was pulling out my phone to call Kwang Do again when I saw something shiny lying on the floor by a wall on the side of the street. I don't know what drew me to it, but it was enough to get me running and I froze when I picked it up.

"Shit." I hissed and pressed redial.

"What is that?" Jin-young asked and I squeezed it tightly in my hand.

"Baekhyun's police badge." That night when he'd left it in my apartment, I'd stared at it for so long...rolling it around in my hand so much I knew the weight of it just as easily as I knew the weight of my gun. It was cold.

"Are you...sure?"

"1285. I know his badge number." I muttered. Was that blood on the edge of it? Why wasn't Kwang Do answering his phone?

"" Jin-young blinked at me, but I ignored him when Kwang Do finally answered.


"Did you find anything?" I gasped. Please...

"Nothing. It doesn't look like he's been here." Kwang Do replied.

"He had his gun with him, right?" I asked his partner but he was just looking at me with a weird expression on his face. "Check if you can find his gun, Kwang Do. Not the spare one in the bedroom or the one in the safe. The service weapon. It should be in a black holster." I waited for him to look around but sighed with defeat when he still didn't find anything. "OK. Get back here. I found something and I need Wang Shun."

I hung up and looked down at his badge in my hand again. Where the hell WAS he?

"Get in here." I led Wang Shun into my office just as it started to rain outside and pushed him towards my desk. "You know computers, right?"

"Ah... yeah, a little." He answered warily.

"I need you to trace Baekhyun's phone for me."

"Trace...uh, OK." He sat down on my chair and it wasn't long before the sound of fingers flying on a keyboard filled the office. "Can I have the number?" I gave him my phone and he glanced at it only for a few seconds, then he was typing again.

"Can you do it?"

"I just ..." He bit his bottom lip as he looked at something on the screen. "The phone is off."

"Off? Can't you still just GPS track it?"

"It's not" He mumbled and peeked behind my shoulder at Jin-young who had entered my office quietly behind us.

"It's not. The SMPA has legal tracking methods that can - "

"How long will it take?" I asked softly.

"What? Well, I guess it takes - "

"Too long." I butted in. "Baekhyun hasn't been gone long enough for them to approve it. He hasn't been reported missing by a family member and tracking him without proof that he's in danger is an invasion of privacy, right?" I turned back to Wang Shun. "Find it."

"Hey, this really isn't - "

"If you don't want to find him, get out." I growled at him. "We don't need you."

"I want to find him just as much as you do." He said, raising his voice. "I just think we're wasting time here when we could be out on the streets with Patrol looking and - "

"Go think somewhere else please." I grunted and moved closer to the computer. "Have you found anything yet?" I asked when he stormed out of my office.

"I think so." He said, spinning the computer around for me to see. On the screen was a street map of Seoul and a red dot was blinking on a spot in the right corner.

"This says he's been in this building for the last hour and a half. The phone was switched off 10 minutes ago."

"Where is that? Gwangjin-gu?"

"Looks like it..." He hummed. "I think its by the new shopping mall they're building. My sister hasn't shut up about it in months. It's supposed to be the biggest mall in Korea."

"Call Gonho." I grabbed my keys on the table and started running. My heart was pounding and my hands were starting to sweat. I didn't like that Baekhyun's phone had been turned off. Had Il Sung turned it off? Or maybe his battery had died...either way, that meant Baekhyun had no way to call for help now. I needed to get to Gwangjin fast.

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