Chapter Twenty Six

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A/N: Since it's still open and I have the opportunity to, I have entered TMACE in the 2019 Wattys. I think I like where this is going enough to enter with an incomplete story; so if you are reading, sharing and voting on this story, THANK YOU. It makes sleeping at 2 am on some nights worth it just to know there are some of you that like my stories.


"Where have you been?" Mr Kim demanded as soon as I stepped inside the meeting room in his private house just outside of Seoul.

"I've been busy." I said as I pulled on my sleeves and sat down in the last empty chair. I hadn't even wanted to come. These meetings didn't involve me anymore but it was hard to say no to Uncle Tae-Joon sometimes.

"Busy." Tae-Moon snorted and faced his father. "Did you know he's been seeing someone?" Mr Kim paused with his hand in the air.

"Would this be the same young man I met in your office recently?" He asked me and my desire to leave increased exponentially.

"You've met him?" Tae-Moon asked eyes wide.

"He seems nice."

"He's a cop." Tae-Moon half-yelled and everyone in the room went silent. I ignored the eyes staring at me and focused on my adoptive father. His face gave away nothing.

"Right. As I was saying... We seem to having a problem with a few of the next shipments."

"Appa." Tae-Moon said but Uncle Tae-Joon stopped him with a stiff hand and he continued with the meeting.

"Did anyone hear about the shooting last night?"

"The one in Jongno?"

"That one." Ye-Sung snapped his fingers. "I heard the Americans were trying to get to Jang Dong-Min. His car has more holes in it that a sieve."

"I heard about that. But it's nothing to worry about. The Americans are not a threat right now." Mr Kim said as he stood up. "Our biggest problem right now is cutting off all trade ports for those new party favours. Let me know how it goes. Chanyeol. Come with me."

I got a few more looks around the table as I got up and followed Uncle Tae-Joon to the sliding doors that let to the garden at the back of the house.

He was quiet as we walked down the path until he got to the little bridge I used to love to hang my legs off of when I was a kid.


"Tae-Joon ssi. Do we really have to do this?"

"I'm worried about you." He looked at me seriously.

"There's nothing to worry about." I sighed.

"I think you having a little fling with the law enforcement is not 'Nothing to worry about.' Hmm?" He coughed and glanced down at the water again. "This can only end badly."

"Really, everyone is just making a mountain out of a mole hill with this." I mumbled. "Even if he is a police officer, like you's just a fling. It's not like we're getting married." I said, my throat getting tighter with every word. I meant them, but Baekhyun didn't feel like 'just a fling' entirely. There was something special about him even now.

"Good. Have your fun and walk away." He said plainly. "You don't have time for this right now. You need to come home soon."

"I already told you I'm not coming home." I whispered.

"It's time to grow up, Chanyeol. What's in the past is in the the past. Everyone else has moved on."

"Everyone except Seojun." I said getting irritated now. "He doesn't get to move on."

"How can he when you won't let him rest in peace?" Uncle Tae-Joon hissed angrily. "I've given you years. Soon it will be time to give them back to me." He spat and walked off back into the house. I flexed my hands and huffed out a heavy breath. Damn it.

My phone was still silent when I drove back into Seoul later that night, but I still drove over to the hospital to check on Myung-jun.

"Nothing new, Boss." Gonho said and gave me a pat on the back as I went into his room. He looked so different lying there in the bed. He was usually full of energy and seeing him look so still was disturbing.

After checking that the nurses weren't slacking, I left him another set of new clothes and got back in my car. I gripped the steering wheel as I stared at the street lights for a long time wondering if going home right now was something I really wanted to do. At this time of the night the club would be busy but it was always quiet upstairs. And cold. I started the car when my mind was made up.

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked as soon as he opened his door. I held up the packet of food in my hand.

"You hungry?" He blinked at it with his mouth open for a while.

"You brought me food yesterday already." I had. I was going insane, I really was. But I didn't want him to sit around long enough to consider calling that green-eyed weirdo from the club for dinner. It was driving me crazy just thinking about it.

"I know Police Officers are busy, but eating is generally something normal people do often." I said blandly. He raised his eyebrow at me and I held up the other packet in my hand. "I brought cola too. No beer." He kept me standing like that for ages before he huffed and took the packets from my hand. I trailed behind him and closed the door behind me.

"You're going to make me gain 200 pounds." Baekhyun grunted as he sat back, biting into another piece of chicken. The oil made his lips shiny with grease and they looked tantalizingly delicious and pink. "Yixing is going to kill me."


"My trainer." He groaned and wiped his mouth with a napkin before he reached for his can of cola.

"Ah." I nodded and stood up to tidy up.

"Do you go to the gym?" He asked me and then looked like he regretted it, swallowing hard. "I mean... You look like you do."

"I have a private gym in my apartment." I answered with a small smile.

"Of course you do." He mumbled as he followed me into the kitchen. "You probably have a piano too." I stared blankly at him and he laughed. "Don't all rich people always just have pianos lying around?" I did have a piano actually but I didn't say anything. "Hey, you don't have to do the dishes..."

"It's fine."

"I can do them." I knew as soon as I had no reason to be in his house anymore, Baekhyun would want me gone.

"Don't you have work to do?" I nudged him away from me and he drifted back to his living room.

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