Chapter one

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Amal's POV

"Well shit..." I muttered.
You see when I was day dreaming of how the next three years of my life would be here...I didn't think it would be this bad, of course I knew it wouldn't be easy.. but a girl can have hopes right?
I drop my luggage and stare at the empty apartment...thinking it wasn't exactly what I saw online when I was paying for it, but after a few minutes of staring up and down...I realized it wasn't that bad.
quick story on what brought me here...I am Nigerian...Fulani to be precise...and I am 24 years old...unmarried. Where I come from, being 24 and single is like an abomination... people would think you've gone crazy or something, they'll start whispering
"Is she insane?"

"Her mates have 3 kids already"...

Of course I never gave in... my excuse was always school, lucky for me my parents were well educated and successful. My father was a professor in virology....nerd.. and my mom is a doctor. I have two brothers and two sisters and I am the last born. Both my sisters got married at 22 after college but I broke tradition...obviously... everyone already saw me as an outsider because I came out different,

no I don't have horns or purple skin...

I just have a different perspective of life and I was an introvert at the same time.

All through high school I had lots of acquaintances, I was very popular because I was friendly and beautiful I think...but I never had a real friend I trusted enough... I survived it, then I met Jason in college... we were both majoring in Architecture and had classes together, I finally found someone that understood my sarcasm, my love for superhero movies, the game of thrones, RnB music, Football and literally everything else... he was like my long lost twin and we clicked from the very first instant...but of course there was a problem...he was a Christian and I was a Muslim... it took a while and some drama before people understood that he was JUST A FRIEND that had my back through it all.

As the years went by, I became extremely good in my field of study, my grades were amazing and all my professors loved me, I started designing buildings for clients in my second my fourth year I was handling larger projects and I made my family proud. I started making a few bucks at a time and I was determined for it to grow... Hence why my parents pushed me to be the best and never spoke about marriage to me, they wanted me to concentrate and achieve my goal... which of course was to become a professor just like my dad but in architecture.

Now finally done with college and still not even thinking about marriage because I only had one relationship ever and it really didn't work out and I never tried again... I tried to push my luck again...I wanted to go for masters... outside the country....where I have never been

It took an army to convince my brothers and sisters, an army of the unsullied, the Dothraki horde, and the free folks to convince my dad... but it took all that, including three dragons AND the avengers to convince my mom... hell Thanos and the night king had to come together for this....but after months, I kept praying for the best and one day she just barged in to my room...

"Why do you even want to go across the world when you could do it right here... with your family.." she said the last part with sadness in her eyes... walking in and siting on my dresser, waiting for me to feel bad and drop it all.

"You know why Mama... the education system here is corrupt, I'll end up studying for four years before I can graduate..." I looked at her with my bunny eyes that melts her much as it is true... I also want to get some breathing space from all the drama and pressure about marriage...

"I'm just afraid've never been away from home let alone the country..." she sighed with worry in her eyes and voice.

"I know Ma...but you raised me to be a strong, religious and good woman... I can take care of myself I can promise you that..." I looked down... I realized how much she wanted me to stay... she liked having me around the house... her little helper.

"You know what...I think you are right...I could just study here, it w....."

"No bunny... I trust you can take care of yourself...I think you should go, I have been praying about it, and my heart tells me it'll be good for you insha Allah" she smiled at me as she raised my chin and fixed my rough natural hair.
I just hugged her...I knew it took a lot for her to accept it...and right there...I promised myself that I would never disappoint her.

"She said YES!!!!!" I screamed at Jason on the phone the second my mom left the room. I knew he was about to yell or curse because it was his nap time...but it was a good news..

"Are you fucking with me right now? Wait you're serious????" Jason was shocked and I knew he was sitting up and blinking hoping it wasn't a dream... we wanted to go together, but he had to wait for me to get a go ahead before he did because he didn't want to leave without me... such a little girl he is..

Jason's parents are billionaires.. and he is an only child, you would think that he's one of those spoiled arrogant rats... but he's not, he's half Yoruba and half German... he usually keeps to himself, he never made his rich status public in school, he was always low key... he drove a simple car, rented a small cozy apartment and the most annoying part... he was always eating my own food he never pays for.
It wasn't until an incident in school where he got into a fight with some gang... because of me...they threatened to kill him but never got a chance because he had secret bodyguards everywhere and they intervened. He told me the truth and made me promise never to tell a soul in school...

"Nigga do I sound like I'm playing...?" I had my poker annoyed face on and if he was in front of me I would have smacked his head 10 seconds ago.

We pretty much filled applications that night and got a positive response three weeks after that. We settled for Egypt because I was a sucker for their architecture and history and Jason just wanted the luxury cars... I kinda wanted that too...duh.

Friday was finally the day we arrived to Egypt and after a hectic flight, a long ride from the airport to the campus, we had to finalize some paperwork to start classes on Monday. After hours we were finally done and headed to the apartments, I refused to stay in the same complex as Jason because I needed to protect myself from crossing any boundaries...not only with him, but any other male he might befriend he got an apartment just a street away.

Now I'm in my new apartment that looks like poop...hence the shit I muttered a few minutes ago...

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