Chapter twenty eight

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Hamza's POV
"Yes I understand sir..." the line went dead.
Khalid what have you gotten yourself into son...
I have been in a dilemma for the past two weeks... it's bad enough that his excellency who trusts me like a brother, hasn't been in good terms with khalid whom I love like my own son for years.. I have always hated their feud... but they are both stubborn as Mexican chickens in a cockfight.

Now this whole wedding issue erupted and I fear the end result. I have already tried talking him out of the decision... but when it comes to the king... my voice doesn't really matter.

Now I have orders from him to in his words... "officially warn" this girl they call Amal.
I can't seem to follow this order because I want to understand her... I want to know why khalid is so infatuated with her... I have never seen him this way before.

I sit at the corner of the coffee shop where she usually goes according to my records... I watch as she gracefully walked in with her head on the floor... she always dressed so modestly it made me smile.

She walked up and ordered for her coffee and sandwich... she walked passed me and sat at the table in front of me...  when our eyes met she smiled so warmly and muttered a salam before sitting...
I couldn't help but smile and answer her Salam. I didn't need to hide my face because she obviously doesn't know me.

She was typing on her phone when the bell at the door dinged indicating that someone walked in.. I didn't bother turning to see who it was but she looked up.. and her eyes went as wide as possible... that got my attention because she looked like she had seen a ghost.
I turned to see what got that reaction out of her and oh oh... Salmah.

Salmah walked in with two girls all scowling at Amal's direction and I knew it wasn't gonna be good. I slowly hid my face so she doesn't recognize me because I wanted to see what both women are capable of.
I personally never liked Salmah.. she has always been a disrespectful child that treated the staffs like trash... and even thou I was old enough to be her father... and close to the royal family, she never saw me as anything more than a butler.

She walked and sat across Amal which means she couldn't see me... and the two girls sat by Amal... trapping her on both sides.

"You've got to be kidding me... this is her???" One of her friends look over to Amal... glaring at her
"Khalid can't possibly be seeing this...willingly... she has to have something on him.. I mean... look at her" the other said bitterly and my rage rose.

"Please.. I don't want any trouble, just leave me alone." Amal said quietly... looking down at the table... she is clearly fighting the tears that are trying to escape.

"You asked for trouble when you had the guts to even look at a man like khalid... what did he say to you? Huh? That he loves you? That you are all that he wants? That he can't live without you? You are a fool to believe him.. did you really think you will become his wife? You must be more stupid than you look darling." Salmah laughed with such evilness I could not believe my ears... she spoke in such high tone she obviously wanted the entire cafe to hear her. Of course no soul had the guts to stop her.

I wanted to help this poor girl... so I texted the one person that could put Salmah in her place.

"Please stop..."Amal said almost out of breath... she looked so hurt.

"Stop? Oh no dearie.. I'm just starting. You see... Khalid is mine, and you? You're just some fresh meat he wanted to taste before he settled... he was bored and you were the first toy he saw. If you do know what's best for you... I suggest you change school and never turn back again... because in this country... I will never let you breathe."

I couldn't take it anymore.. I stood so angrily I knocked the glass jug on my table that smashed on the floor... earning their attention... Salmah turned and froze immediately.. she clearly did not expect me there ... she would like to maintain her puppy dog attitude back home.

"Uncle Hamza! Uh... what...! What are you doing here?" She stuttered clearly trying to figure out if I did hear everything.
Before I could even say anything... Amal got the chance to grab her bag and ran out...

"How could you do this! HOW COULD YOU BE SO EVIL!" I couldn't control my temper..

"It's her fault!!" She yelled back!

And then... SMASH!!!!!!!!
There was a loud sound outside and people yelling..

Everyone in the cafe ran out to see what was happening and I hear people talking
it was a hit and run!
It's a woman!
OmG is she alive?

For an entire minute! I froze... I froze and I was quietly praying that it wasn't what I think..
I finally got my leg to move and ran out to see for myself... I felt salmah's presence following me...

There Amal was.. on the side of the road... looking lifeless

I ran towards her and fell by her side... I checked her pulse... nothing
I brought my ear close to her face... I couldn't feel her breathe.
No no no no no

"Serves her right!" I hear Salmah mutter almost to herself... I turned to her and I could see her smirk... then walk away. She got in her car with her friends and drove off.

And literally immediately... a black Range Rover came speeding towards us... I was still holding her in my arms yelling for people to call the ambulance.

Nabeel and some other dark skinned guy that my records stated as Jason came out of the car... followed by Khalid and it took them 5 seconds before they noticed what was happening. They all ran towards us and Khalid was frantic. He immediately picked her lifeless body and we all ran to the car and Nabeel drove.

"Oh God oh God! Baby please wake up! Ya Allah! AMAL WAKE UP!!!!!" Khalid yelled and he just started crying... I have never in his 29 years seen him like that!

"Amal? Amal don't you dare do this to me! You are not leaving me alone!" Jason said with such watery eyes and shaky voice!
They were sitting behind with her and I was in front with Nabeel.

We arrived at the hospital and didn't even wait for the stretcher.. because Khalid picked her up and ran in... we followed.

They finally took her and we couldn't go in... and Khalid had already started smashing things. I and Nabeel managed to get them to a secure VIP waiting room where they emptied everyone for security.

Jasmine came in shortly with mama... and she fell on Nabeel.. who just held her as she cried...

Mama finally calmed Khalid from smashing everything and she just held him tight as he cried in Agony...

"What tha fuck happened uncle Hamza and please tell me everything!" Khalid finally asked the question I dreaded since the entire incident happened.. because I knew this time... he WILL kill someone.
Oh Salmah... what have you done

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