Chapter fourty one

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Amal's POV
"Times up! Please close your booklets... your exams are over." I heard the examiner and I sighed in relief

I closed my booklet and prayed...
Hasbunallahu wa niimal wakeel
La haula wala kuwata illah billah
La ila ha illah anta subhanallah inni kuntum minaz zalimin

My father thought me to always pray before and after exams...
I went over to the desk to submit my paper and professor James collected it smiling.

"If it isn't my favorite student of the year... congratulations Miss Waleed... I am proud of you" he spoke softly smiling...

"Thank you so much professor... thank you for your endless support!"
I thanked him and he nodded in appreciation.

I stepped out of my class and met Jason there waiting for me... he was frowning but when he saw me we both smiled and I ran to him. He gave me a bear hug and I squealed

"We did it!!!!" He yelled and I just laughed... he was so excited and I wouldn't blame him... I was too

We walked out of the department.. waving at familiar faces... and I noticed a very very matte black BMW  r7 parked in front of our building...

Then the front door opened and out walked the sexiest man I have ever seen....

I didn't know when my face lit up...
It has been a week since I got engaged... yet it still feels surreal..

He removed his glasses and smiled at me... not giving two shits about everyone else that were ogling us...
I ran to him and he lifted me up...
kissing my cheek and forehead making me giggle like a little child.

"How was it Mi amore?" He asked after putting me down.. but still possessively holding my waist.

"Meh... it was alright... finally done!!!"
"Alhamdulillah Baby... we should go... I don't like how these boys are eying you.." he stated possessively and I rolled my eyes...

"Everyone is staring at your crazy ass... not me" I spatted back and he smirked
"Well... they can stare all they want... I belong to you!" He stated again and I blushed

"If you two are done... can we go home now?" Jason stated rolling his eyes...

I was about to say something when I saw maryam coming to him from behind... I wiggled my brows mischievously and he knew what I meant... he nervously turned to her and she waved shyly at us... they spoke in hushed tones and he walked with her.

Ever since we came back from Paris... I made it my mission to get them together... I had never seen him so nervous and boyish with anyone... not even with jessica... and well I kind of succeeded because they have been hanging out ALOT

Don't get me started on Jasmine and Nabeel... those two are as crazy about each other as we are...

Nabeel proposed to her in Italy two days ago and we couldn't be happier.
Now the king and Khalid's father have two weddings to arrange...
The weddings of the millennia is what they call it...

"Let's go... I have something to show you..." he whispered to me as he opened the passenger door for me...

We kept on arguing about what movie to watch today... I do need the break after a week of intense reading...

He would still kiss my hand literally every 2 minutes

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He would still kiss my hand literally every 2 minutes. Sending all kinds of electric sparks to my system.

I got the chance to FaceTime my parents from the car... they were so happy and proud mama was crying... I wanted to cry to...

Khalid butted in at the end with a salam and I went pink ... as a Fulani girl.. shyness is one of our key attributes...
I have been avoiding any chance to see his parents... but they didn't care... his mom would always order him to pass the phone to me to talk... sometimes I feel like sinking into the ground.
"You're my daughter... stop with the shyness nonsense habibty" She would always scold

"Yes mama..." I would always say but end up dodging her either way... lol

We arrived at his house... I looked at him puzzled...
last time I was here... I didn't enter, we were fighting and I left with jasmine.

He stepped out and opened the door for me... reached out for my hand and held me.

We walked in together and it was beautiful.... modern... neat...
I have to say I was quite impressed... but then I noticed something.

It was empty....
"Where are all your furniture?" I asked confused..

"I gave them all to charity..." he shrugged as he came closer...

"This is gonna be OUR house... and I want you to design it however you please my love." He stated huskily as he still took steps towards me until we were toe to toe... I can't breathe...

"You mean it?" I asked almost out of breathe...

He simply nodded...
"We can demolish it to the ground if you want baby... you're the boss" he added.

If you are an architect or an interior designer... you would understand this... imagine given the chance to design your dream house... as you please... without the constraint of money... or time or resources...
That feeling? That chance? That's EVERY designers dream... and this guy just gave it to me

I don't think my heart can take it.

"It's perfect just the way it is." I said happily...

"Thank you" was all I could say. How I felt was an understatement.

"One more thing..." he mentioned as he reached out from his pocket...
a small black gift box with a cute red bow...
I took it and he gestured for me to open it...

It was a key... a BMW car key... I looked up to him confused...

"The car outside is yours...." he said with a cute smile and I think I stopped breathing...

"Happy graduation in advance baby." He said lovingly

I didn't know how to respond to that... I didn't know how to speak...
So I did the first thing my heart and soul told me to...
I kissed him.

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