Chapter thirty nine

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Amal's POV
"More coffee?" I handed Ayrah a cup too..
It has been an intense 4 hours since Khalid's father got in surgery.

Mama has been quietly reading the Quran

Ayrah sitting next to her silently, Mahmud was one of the surgeons on papi... that made her a bit less nervous knowing he was with him.

Uncle Hamza standing with Jason clearly impatient... pacing back and forth.

Jasmine sitting by the couch with Nabeel probably whispering... calming her down.

And Khalid... next to me... shaking his leg, trying to control the anxiety.

"He'll be fine... insha Allah." I whispered for the 1000th time... he smiled and squeezed my hand a little.

Finally the doctors stepped out... looking super exhausted, Mahmud included and we all stood almost immediately and he came forward.

"He's fine... the surgery was a success, he's a fighter." Mahmud smiled and I think everyone finally let out a breathe they were holding...
Ayrah fell in his arms and he just cooed her until she was breathing normally again.

After seeing papi, we rushed to the hotel which was the building next to the hospital... we showered, prayed and went straight back to them.

That was our routine for the week... until he was discharged, he was more stubborn than I was... he tried to discharge himself more than we could count.. in his defense... he would heal faster at home.

We moved out of the hotel to one of their houses... sorry I mean a frigging surprise there

no surprise there

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"It's beautiful...." I said to myself as we walked in.... I heard khalid chuckle behind me... and I just rolled my eyes

Even with more than 8 bedrooms, Jasmine and I still shared a room... I wasn't complaining... I like our late night gossips.. but I couldn't help but feel all of them acting rather awkwardly towards me.

I tried to ask Jason if he'd notice anything but he would just shrug and change the subject...

Like today... before I even woke up... all the boys including Jasmine ditched me... they were all nowhere to be found, mama had mentioned that they had to visit her brother... and Jason was awake so he joined them... what a traitor.

And I just found out that Khalid's parents were leaving this morning... mama hugged me and papi kissed my forehead... I don't think I could ever explain how shocked I get whenever that happens.

I stood still by the door as uncle Hamza drove away with them... now I'm all alone.

I went back to the room and tried calling all of answer. Weird

Jason texted me.

"Here with their boring uncle... now I wished I stayed home with my pajamas."

"That's what you get you traitor! Why didn't you wake me? And why isn't khalid picking his calls?"

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