Chapter nine

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Khalid's POV

"Look just cancel the meeting, tell them they have till tomorrow to perfect the prototype or they will be out of jobs

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"Look just cancel the meeting, tell them they have till tomorrow to perfect the prototype or they will be out of jobs... got it?" I barked at my secretary who flinched... her hands were already trembling.

"Y-yess ssir" she managed before rushing out.

I felt bad for her... it wasn't her fault at all... so I called her back and apologized and she smiled at me

I have been on edge for the past week and I can't seem to wrap my head around what is actually wrong with me...

"Ma'am i... ma'am you can't just..." I heard my secretary arguing before my door flew open and I was instantly fuming

Salmah just barged into my office like she owned the place and I think I saw red! She noticed my rage and hesitated for a few seconds before she blinked it off...

"Why have you been ignoring my calls Khalid" she stated as she sat on the chair across me... the secretary looked at me in fear and I motioned for her to leave

"Don't make it a habit of barging into my office Salmah... I might not be so kind next time..." I focused my eyes on my papers ignoring her presence

"Well if you picked my call I wouldn't have to come here... we need to start being seen in public together." She simply stated...

did she just order me? Nah bitch! No one orders me!

I finally looked up at her.. don't get me wrong... Salmah is beautiful...she was elegant in her tight black pants and pink blouse with killer heels... her black hair falling neatly around her shoulder and back... she's not a fan of hijab...
but she is ugly at heart... she is arrogant and bossy

Maybe... just maybe... if she was a nice girl I would have loved her... but she is a venom!

"Father won't be happy if he knows we are not attempting to make this work.." she added smirking... thinking she has hit a button...

Does she think I fear my father or the king? Oh please

I stood up and walked to her with anger evident and she stood and moved back a little

Good to know she fears me

"Listen to me very carefully! I do not care what our fathers think, I do not care what you think... I will never marry you, and if you ever barge into my office again... I will leave scars on that pretty face of yours... got it?" I threatened and I could see the fear in her eyes.

She couldn't say anything so she picked her purse and ran out with tears in her eyes!

This is just the beginning princess

Literally 40 seconds later my door flew open again! I was about to launch at who ever it was but stopped because it was Nabeel..

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