Chapter fourty four Epilogue

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5 years later
Amal's POV
"Yes baba! I know! Okay baba I'll do just that.. baba!!!! Stop overreacting! I might miss my flight! Okay I'll see you soon insha Allah! Fi amanallah!" I dropped the phone smiling...

My Baba can be so dramatic sometimes.

I closed the last suitcase on the bed and struggled to pull it to the ground.
I felt strong arms quickly take it from me

"You know you aren't supposed to do that! We've talked about this" I rolled my eyes at my over protective husband... as if I didn't just get an earful from my father.

I had a little complication from my first pregnancy... long story short? Khalid fainted twice in the delivery room...
When he finally caught a glimpse of her face... I had never seen such emotions in a person.

"Roll your eyes one more time and I will toss you on this bed and give you another baby!" He smirked and I knew he was praying I don't obey... nasty ass

"Sorry... but I already have a bun in the oven." I raised my eyebrow waiting to be challenged

He came closer... making me forget everything but us...
I felt his breath in my ear and I think I was about to pass out... Blame the hormones.

"We can always add another one... twins aren't so bad..." he said huskily and my brain got fuzzy.

You would think that after 5 years... and an amazing daughter... we wouldn't be so head over heels with each other... but sometimes it feels like I keep loving him more and more every single day.

I was lost in his warmth and how his hands possessively held my now growing belly I didn't notice when he gently pushed me and we both fell on the bed... and now he's tickling me
"Stoooop! We're gonna be late!!!!" I yelled trying to escape

Khalid's POV
"Mama!!!!!!! I can't find Mr bunny!!!" I heard my angel stumping her tiny feet into our bedroom..

Bad timing... I was just about to show my wife just how much I love her...

"I think Amimah doesn't want us to give her a little brother..." I frowned... and Amal just laughed.. she was clearly finding my frustration funny.

I stood upright and adjusted myself just in time for the door to fling wide open...she doesn't like knocking

And in came my reason to live... my daughter... my pride... Amimah...
It means "close to the heart." A name of our prophet Muhammad (SAW) granddaughter.

The very first time I laid my eyes on her... it was as if I was given the keys to jannah... I fell in love so instantly it made me cry...
All I could say was Alhamdulillah... I made Khutba into her ears... and made sujood to thank my Rabb for blessing me with so much.

"Papa!!!!!!" She ran into my arms and I couldn't help but lift her and shower kisses on her beautiful face... making her giggle...

"Daddy!!! Stop it!!!! My tummy wee hurt" she tried with her baby accent.

"I'm sorry my princess! Now give me my kiss." I demanded and she pouted before kissing my forehead... then my cheeks... it's our little tradition.

"Daddy? Can u help me fwind my bunny?" She asked with puppy eyes and that shit gets to me every single time!!!!

"Daddy? Can u help me fwind my bunny?" She asked with puppy eyes and that shit gets to me every single time!!!!

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"Anything for you my princess... now go kiss mummy first!" I scolded and she hopped off to her mother... and kissed her belly.
"Hello baby... good morning mama!" She said sweetly.. if there's anyone more excited about the new baby... it's Amimah... she keeps going on and on about how she will take care of her little brother... she helped paint his room and helped buy his toys... she even scold her mother when she's over working herself...
she has already taken responsibilities of an older sister.

"Okay people!!!! We have a plane to catch!!!" I heard Nabeel from downstairs.. and a tiny feet coming up the stairs... it was his son... Waleed... and Amimah's best friend.

Nabeel's POV
"Can you check on them please?" I heard my wife's sleepy voice on my shoulder.
We have been airborne for an hour and the kids are already sleeping on their seats. I carefully pick up my Goddaughter Amimah first...
even though we still fight with Jason on who The Godfather is...

We were both there till the end of Amal's delivery... ofcourse Jasmine was the godmother... it was only fitting I be named the godfather right? But nahhhh Jason wasn't having in.

Luckily... Exactly 22 hours later... Jasmine's water broke... I kind of fainted... twice.
So Jasón stepped in... i unwillingly named him my son waleed's godfather... I have never seen him so happy.

I carefully placed Amimah on the comfy sofa behind the plane... kissed her and went back to pick my son..
My son.
I still find it unbelievable whenever I call him that...
Now I know why my father loved us the way he did...
nothing can be compared to a parent's love for his children...

I was about to lay him next to his best friend when he snuggled on my shoulder and mumbled

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I was about to lay him next to his best friend when he snuggled on my shoulder and mumbled.
"Where a we gowing papi?" He asked sleepily and I chuckled

"To Nigeria... for uncle Jason's wedding my son" and his face lit up like Christmas... making me roll my eyes... sometimes I fear he loves Jason more than his own father.
I'm gonna kill Jason if that happens

Jason's POV
I checked the time for the one hundredth time.. i refused to let anyone pick them up and now I'm waiting at the airport forever.

I was about to buy another bottle of coke to keep me awake when they announced the arrival.

I drove into the tarmac and waited for the jet to land completely.

The moment the doors were open... my two little rascals came crashing down.. I had to run to the stairs to catch them... they showered kissed on my faces and I just laughed.

"Uncle jay! We missed yew.." They both spoke mischievously

"I missed you more my angels! Are you ready to be my flower girl and ring bearer?" I asked and they nodded excitedly.
The love I have for this children knows no bound

I raise my head up and see the parents coming down
"Hey best friend" Amal wiggled her brows but I was busy looking at her growing belly!
"You're pregnant!!!!!!!!" I yelled and she laughed!
"How long????"
"5 months..."

"Don't you Dare! I'm gonna be The Godfather this time!" Nabeel frowned and I just laughed... he deserves it... he gave me the honor of being the future king's godfather... I wouldn't have dreamt of it in a thousand years

"Is she the only person you see right now? I mean we can always turn back and leave... with her ofcourse" Jasmine spatted and I looked at both of them puzzled...
Then I remembered how crazy she was when she was pregnant with Waleed.
I looked over to Nabeel and he nodded...
"Two months..." he answered and I lightly hugged both my pregnant girls.

We drove back to the house just in time for late dinner...
I looked around the table everyone was talking, laughing, arguing... my parents, Amal's parents, the kids, Amal, Khalid, Nabeel and Jasmine.
and I felt at peace...
This is what home feels like...
This is Family.

And I wouldn't trade them for anything.

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