Chapter Thirty one

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Khalid's POV
"Assalamu alaikum..." Amal's father said softly as he extended his hand to me... I stuttered a little before answering his Salam and shook his hand..

"Baba... this is khalid... he has been gracious enough to pay all the hospital bills." Jason introduced and I just looked down... feeling guilty and responsible, if only he knew I was the reason she got here in the first place.

"Thank you my son... I pray that Allah rewards you with what you desire most.... this is Amal's mother.." he thanked me as he introduced the beautiful woman behind him... she looked so much like Amal, if it wasn't for the little wrinkles under her eyes and cheeks when she smiled... you'd think they were twins... wow

"Its an honor to meet you both... this is my good friend Nabeel..." I introduced as he shook and thanked him too... they were so polite the guilt only kept increasing.

"It's time for Salah baba... why don't you go with them to the mosque... I'll take mum in." Jason suggested and I suddenly started sweating... baba only nodded and waited for us to lead the way...
We walked to the mosque in silence.. after performing our ablution, we walked in to the mosque and started to pray... after the salam, Nabeel got called on the phone and he said he had to leave for something... I was signaling him... begging him not to leave me alone with baba... I was only acting normal because I had my best friend as a moral support but the idiot is trying to bail on me!

He mouthed a "sorry" and a thumbs up before rushing out...

I awkwardly waited for baba... he was performing nafil prayers, I got the chance to study him carefully without getting caught... he actually does kind of look like Amal too...

He prayed so graciously it was admirable... you could tell he was very meticulous about his deen and I suddenly feel this great admiration towards him..

He finished his dua and turned to me with a salam
We walked back to the hospital chit chatting about how beautiful the hospital was while I told him a little history behind it..

"Forgive me for saying this son... but you should know, Amal is my little baby girl... she is the most important person to me and her mother... she has a pure heart... please don't hurt her... spare us the pain... she doesn't deserve it one bit." He said in a cool non threatening tone..

"I promise Mr. Waleed... I would never ever do anything to hurt your daughter.. I swear by Allah my intentions are pure towards her." I swore... it'll kill me if he told me to stay away from her...
I noticed the growing smile he had on his face...

"In that case.... call me Baba." He pat my shoulder gently before walking in... he stopped by the door gesturing for me to enter...
"I'll let you 3 alone... I'll wait outside..." I suggested and he mouthed a thank you before gently closing the door..

I sat at the lounge alone... recollecting my thoughts...
My phone rang again and i reluctantly picked up... I have been away from work for so long my phone has been blowing up... I'm probably loosing a lot of money but I don't care right now... Amal is my first priority...
I have cancelled all business meetings until further notice and I don't care about the consequences.

Salmah's POV
Oh God what have I done??
Ever since the cafe incident... I haven't gone back home. Everyone must be blaming me...
I have been staying at a hotel, trying to recollect myself... trying to come up with an explanation as to why I was even at the cafe in the first place... I know for a fact Khalid must be super pissed at me and I don't even want to find out what he'll do to me if he finds me.

I ignore Nabeel's call for the 800th time... I don't know what to tell him either, I know he's obviously on the little rat's side... I mean he's like Khalid's puppet for God's sake... sometimes I feel like Khalid is the future king... not him.

I do not regret what happened to Amal one bit... but I just wished I wasn't there... then I would be the innocent one. Khalid is MINE! I have to find an excuse... I need to meet uncle Hamza. I was stupid to say what I did in his presence. I know he must have told them by now that I was there to make trouble.
Argh this whole thing is giving me a migraine.

There was a knock at the door... it must be the room service, I went on to stupidly open the door without checking. In my defense... no one knows I'm here.

"You are very difficult to trace little sister.." Nabeel muttered with gritted teeth as he bumped pass me into the penthouse.

"How did you find me?" I asked curious... no one knew where I was... and I made sure to threaten the hotel management not to disclose my stay with them.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere you little idiot. Wanna explain what tha fuck you were doing at the cafe with Amal? Or how she ended up at the hospital?" He barked... wow he's pissed... but why? Why does this Amal affect them so much?

"Oh now she has you wrapped around her dirty black fingers too?" i spat and he went red.
For a second there I thought he was going to hit me... but he controlled himself

"Father demands to see you... maybe then you can explain yourself." He said before walking to the door...
"It wasn't a request... I will personally throw you in the car if I have to. You have one minute" he added before slamming the door.

The drive to the palace was painstakingly quiet.. I was still rehearsing what I'll say to my father... it wouldn't be difficult to make him believe me... he has always had a soft spot for me... i mastered all his weaknesses and used them against him when I had to.

The moment we reached the gate... I started sniffing some tears...
by the time the doors to his study opened, my eyes were already bloodshot!
It's showtime

"Princess... do you mind telling me what happened? I have been hearing unspeakable things about you... please tell me it's not true my darling" my father asked and I almost smiled... knowing fully well I'm about to win this case

"It's not true father! I was just trying to make peace.. I heard that she was good friends with Jasmine and I wanted to be her friend too... we sat and had coffee for a while then she told me she had to run because she was late for something! I was inside the cafe saying hi to uncle Hamza who seemed pissed at me for no reason when we heard the loud crash outside.! Daddy I swear I had nothing to do with it! You can check the cameras around or even ask the people in the cafe!" I said sobbing

"You are a LIAR!!!!" Nabeel bolted at me but my father stopped him with his hand

"I don't know why everyone is treating me so badly Daddy! All I wanted was to make peace with everyone" I sobbed again

Nabeel was fuming so bad behind me...

"I believe you my little princess" my father finally said and I went and hugged him... I met eye contact with Nabeel who was in shock.. I always get what I want
"Leave me with Nabeel... we have business to talk about" he said and I nodded and walked to the door

"But one more thing princess... I spoke with uncle Ali... the wedding is off... I'm sorry" my father stated and my eyes went wide


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