Chapter Thirty five

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Amal's POV
"Hey!!! Watch where you're going you idiot!" A driver that almost hit me as I ran across the street yelled!

I couldn't see... I couldn't feel... my eyes were burning so bad I felt like I was going blind... blind at sight.. blind at heart... how could I be so stupid?

I can hear Khalid yelling and running after me.. I didn't care anymore!

I quickly stopped a taxi and told him to speed off... I was not about to hear a word from him again.

I still remember the message I received from Nabeel telling me to come to the restaurant... emphasizing the importance.. I rushed out so fast I almost tripped and broke my other arm.

I'm not usually the type to judge all too quickly... but there's just something about Salmah that screams stay away!

And shouldn't Khalid be in London? Did he lie to me all this while about being in London?
Did he do that just so he could spend time with Salmah?
My brain felt so confused I was getting dizzy... I sobbed and sobbed until my hijab was soaked...
the driver kept looking through the mirror... he was a bit old, old enough to be my father... I could see the sympathy in his eyes, and I just smiled  in appreciation...

He drove me to Jason's apartment... I knew Khalid would head to Jasmine's or my apartment to try to talk to me, I am not in the mood for that.

I tried to pay the taxi driver but he pushed the money away
"A sincere smile from you is payment enough my child" he said sweetly and I couldn't help but tilt my lips upward...
he didn't know me... but he just wants me to be happy!

"Thank you kind sir, may Allah reward you with all that you desire" I prayed for him, giving him the most sincere smile.

"That's all I need my child... Allah hafiz" he said happily and drove off leaving me dazed... what an amazing stranger.

Almost forgetting my sadness... I walked to the door and knocked.
Now I wish I was in my apartment...

I turn and tried to leave... but Khalid grabbed my arm gently to stop me

"Please listen to me.. I can explain, please don't do this to me" he pleaded and I just tried to push his hand away...

He grabbed me... pushed me into the house and locked the door. Ahh where's Jason?

As if in que... Jason and Nabeel popped out from the kitchen... Jason shoved his hands in his he in on this too?

"I think you have to listen to him Mal..." Jason said assuringly...

"I promise it's not what you think" Nabeel added... I noticed his bloody lips...

I stared at khalid... I could see his eyes, looking tired... stressed. It wouldn't hurt to listen right? So I nodded.

"Leave." I said still staring at khalid... but the boys knew all too well I was referring to them and they nodded

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me.... please don't need me." Nabeel whispered to khalid and sprinted off with Jason.

"Please sit" khalid begged, coming forward to hold my hand but I stubbornly pushed his hand away and folded my arms... he semi rolled his eyes and sighed In defiance...yes I'm stubborn

I listened attentively as I heard the entire explanation...
apparently, after I ran off he went straight to Nabeel, punched him bloody before he learned that he knew nothing about it.

They just figured out that she must have hacked his phone to get the information she needed.

"Amal... I swear on my life... I would never do anything to hurt you. I know our situation isn't the smoothest, but you have to know that my feelings for you are real, I love you Amal... I swear I do" he pleaded... my heart started melting...
the confusion I felt was an understatement...

"I will understand if this whole situation is too much to handle, I want you to be happy... and if you think that... if you think tha..." I placed a finger on his lip...

"I believe you." Was all I said and I saw him physically sigh in relief.
I let him grab me softly and hugged me...

He must have heard my gasp... he chuckled...
"I'm sorry... I can't help it"
I stood in tiptoe to hold his neck as he possessively held my waist... if only we could stay like that forever

"Short ass" he mocked and I smacked his head

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"Short ass" he mocked and I smacked his head... making him chuckle

"Pole height..." I fired back and we both laughed.

"Oh thank God! Hey Nabeel! You can come out now! They are hugging" Jason yelled out for Nabeel.. who peaked out to confirm...

I awkwardly tried to push him away but his possessive hold just got tighter... ignoring my plea for him to let me go.

"What can I say... I have the most amazing woman... she understands me" he boasted and I rolled my eyes.

"I understand THIS time... there shouldn't be a next time" I said firmly... I don't think I can handle another Salmah drama.

"I'm really sorry about my sister Mal, I wish I could do something to stop her... she wasn't always like that" Nabeel apologized and I smiled at him... meaning I forgave him.

"And I am sorry about your bloody lips too" I said... nudging Khalid to apologize but he refused... I glared at him and he mumbled a sorry... making Nabeel chuckle

"Amal really is changing you brother... there was a time you never apologize.." Nabeel mocked

"Shut up"

"Is this the right time to tell you guys how hungry I am?" Jason spoke all too hopeful... of course

As if in que... Khalid's tummy growled and I looked up to him

"When last did you eat..." I asked accusingly but he just sheepishly rubbed his neck..

"In London..." he smiled apologetic and I smacked his arm...

"That's for staying without food for that long." I scolded and he faked a hurt face.

I stormed off to the kitchen... rolling my sleeves and putting my hijab in a cute bow... ready to bring out the little chef in me.

"Nabeel could you be so kind and call Jasmine to come over?" I yelled out... I know she would be hungry too, she had been in class all day.. she doesn't even know what happened

"What can I do to help ma'am" I hear so close to me as his lips almost touched my ear... I unwillingly closed my eyes from the deep sensation I felt... the way my whole body was alert to how close he was to me.

He deliberately trapped me... placing his hands on both sides of the kitchen counter...

"You're distracting me..." I said almost out of breathe and he chuckled...

He casually walked to the counter and sat down .... watching my every move...

Let's hope I don't burn my fingers... shall we?

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