Chapter thirty two

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Amal's POV
"Try again my darling... I know you'll get it this time" my grandma said in our native language... fulfulde

We were in her room with my cousins where we played riddles... in our language...
I was always failing... my cousins would pick on me because I wasn't fluent in my language

"Don't work my child... you would be raised high among your siblings insha Allah... you would find love and happiness where non couldn't insha Allah... that is my prayer for you... now and always" my grandma smiled... and I hugged her
Then she faded away...

Darkness... that's all I feel...
Heavy... I felt like I was underneath a rock...
pain... all the bones in my body felt like they were on fire...

I was trying to open my eyes... but my lids felt like they were glued... I struggled to move a finger.. then I felt something inside my palm... something firm yet so delicate at the same time.

I tried to move from it... but the grip only got stronger...
I finally managed to open my eyes little by little... the light wasn't so bright thank God...wait where am I???

My eyes finally adjusted to the dim light. Now I'm trying to figure out where I am... the room was very spacious... with two sofas and a table by the side... a bigger sofa which had a huge blanket on it... is it me or is the blanket moving.... breathing?

I turned a little and noticed the IV stand... I followed the IV tube and it ended on my hand... and my other hand had a cast around it.

Then I remembered what happened... the accident... Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun (to Allah we belong...and to him we shall return)

I was about to raise my hand when my eyes fell on the head resting on my bed... close to my hand that it held... from the soft looking hair.. I already knew who it was... Khalid

I finally carefully removed my hand from his... he moved a little...
I gently placed my hand on his head... I ran my fingers through his soft hair... oh how I have longed to do that..

He stirred in his sleep a little... then he went still... he shot up in shock and when our eyes met I couldn't help but smile... I have missed him so much

"Hi" I said almost inaudible... I almost didn't recognize my own voice

He stood and came closer to my face... he touched my face so delicately like I was gonna break..

"You're awake!" He whispered almost to himself... all I could do was nod...
Then I noticed the tears that were glittering in his eyes and my heart broke...

"I missed you so much!" Was all he could utter and I gently pulled him closer and he snuggled in my neck... his beard tickled on my neck and I just breathed... he must have been so worried.

After what felt like an eternity... he gently looked up again... kissed my forehead and just kept staring at me... like I was lost for years..

"I like your beard..." I joked and he chuckled... that sound... that's what I craved to hear.

"I guess I'll keep it..." he smiled...
"I should call the nurse my love... the doctor must see you..." he trailed as he tried to stand up but I held him back...

"No... not yet, just stay with me a while please..." I pleaded and he smiled... but there were so much emotions in his eyes I couldn't quite understand.

"Habibty... I am not moving an inch from you... but I need to be sure you are getting better my love" he kissed my forehead before pressing a small button right above my bed..
I wonder when I'll stop having butterflies in my tummy when he's close to me... probably never.

"Who's over there?" I asked... noticing the body on the couch.

"It's Jasmine... her and Jason take turns sleeping here..." he said rolling his eyes... making me chuckle a little... Both of them are kind of stubborn.

"And judging by the new beard look I assume you haven't gone home in a while..." I accused and his sheepish smile proved to me that I was right.

"Do I smell that bad?" He joked and I just rolled my eyes... drama king

"How long have I been here?" I asked curious... I haven't seen a phone or calendar anywhere... I'm more confused than a chicken in an African Zoo... you don't need to go to a zoo in Africa before you see a chicken.... niggas are always in the neighborhood

"You've been asleep for 6 days baby..." he trailed... he looked away from me... as if hiding what looked like guilt in his eyes... I turned his face towards me again... looking him dead in the eyes
"It's not your fault... non of it was... what's destined to happen must happen" I said and he just shook his head

"I wish you would know how sorry I am my love... I really am, I should have known how dangerous she was... it was exactly why I stayed away from you... I'm so sorry... I should have told you the truth... why I accepted the engagement... I should have.. I sho...." I stopped him by placing a finger on his lips..

"Not today." Was all I said... I didn't care about what happened... I just wanted to appreciate the fact that he was right there with me... at the time I needed someone the most... that was enough for me.

"Promise me you will listen when the time comes." He pleaded... his eyes held so much emotion it made my heart skip....

"Pinky swear?" I pouted and he laughed deeply... then he raised his pinky finger and locked it with mine.

"Even on a sick bed you still find a way to make me smile..." he said and I just winked.

I looked down on my clothing and I froze... these aren't my clothes... he must have noticed my confusion

"You're wearing my cloths... and I have never seen anything sexier" he whispered and my head hurt from blushing so suddenly...

"How... uhm who?" I stuttered... please don't tell me he helped me change.

"Jasmine helped you..." he answered... "althought i wouldn't mind d....." I smacked his arm all too quickly and now I regret it.. cause my IV hurts

The nurse came in with a doctor, she adjusted the light and it got brighter which made me squint a little... Jasmine stirred and woke up eventually... it took her a few seconds before she realized that I was awake...

Leave it to jasmine, she almost hugged me back to another coma... she was way too excited to see me and that made me smile.... Jason might probably kill me out of excitement... that is after he scolds me for almost getting myself killed.

The doctors checked me... told me my broken ribs are slowly healing but I would have to stay a while longer... of course I refused... obviously I argued with Khalid like my life depended on it... after faking the anger and sadness... he gave in.

We agreed they would discharge me the next day if i promise to stay off my feet... I argued that I had school and all that...
Who's gonna cook for me?
Who's gonna do my laundry?
Have they forgotten that I stay alone?

As if reading my mind... Mr possessive ass butted in

"You're gonna stay with Jasmine.. and we'll always be around anyway" Khalid stated finally.
Geee thanks DAD I wanted to scream but I just ignored him... knowing fully well I wasn't gonna win this

The doctors left and the doors open again...
Jason walked in... followed by Nabeel
The shock in his face was evident they didn't know I was awake... he froze for a few minutes before he ran to my bed... hugging me like his life depended on it. Told yeah he's gonna choke me to death.

Nabeel gave me a light hug too... it must be a free hug day today.. or they are all just seriously happy to see me!

"Can I get to hug my daughter now?" I hear the voice I never thought I'd hear so close right now...

"Mama?" I stuttered and she came closer... smiling... then she hugged me so delicately...I suddenly felt the urge to cry... then I felt another hands engulf us both... Baba... and the tears went on full force.

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