Chapter eleven

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Khalid's POV
We finally got out of the house and headed for the desert safari! i was trying so hard to keep my distance from Amal... but I can't, there's just something about her that drowns me to her.

I almost had a mini heart attack when she opened the door This morning... how could someone look so beautiful in the morning... with no ounce of make up whatsoever... and her hair... Ya Rabb I know I wasn't supposed to see that but all I have been thinking about was touching her hair... running my fingers through them

Somebody is getting all mushy my subconscious is not helping right now

I mean I have been with A-list celebrities... royalty... for God's sake I'm supposed to be acquainting with the princess right now... but I can't... because this girl is in my mind every minute

"How long till we get there?" I heard her sweet melodic voice behind me and I wished I wasn't the one driving... I wanted to sit with her... look at those eyes...
I'm fucked

"Thirty minutes or less love..." I stated deliberately as I watched her from the mirror.. she was flushed from my word of endearment... good to know I affect her as much as she affects me

"Yo Jace could we swap memory cards? I wanna take pictures with my camera and I think mine is full..." Amal Asked Jason obviously trying to forget what I just said

"No cant do honey! Mine is fuller" Jason stated and I instantly wanted to punch him for calling her that

"We can get new ones there..." Nabeel suggested "are you into photography? what kinda photos do you take...?" He asked and I got curious too

"Just stuff... anything that catches my eye..." she mentioned quietly and her phone started buzzing.. "shit...." she muttered

We arrived to our destination and were to start with dune driving before getting to the camels... I have been here a thousand times but I love the outdoor activity!

I managed to manipulate my way into sitting at the back with Amal, Nabeel was in the middle with Jasmine and Jason was at the passenger seat next to the driver...
When we started the ride, it was a bit rough and I could tell she was getting uneasy... she was trying to hold on to anything she could because it was a bumpy ride

The rest of the crew were too busy to notice her but I got the opportunity to study her...
Faith gave me a chance when the car bumped so hard she landed on me...with a gasp

I managed to hold her tight so she doesn't fall off or hit her head... my hands were around her waist as she was on my laps and her hands were on my chest... she was so close I could almost taste the mint from her lips... I looked at her lips for the longest time before moving to her eyes and she was frozen... like she wasn't breathing

She started to get off me when we heard Jason laughing at something the driver said oblivious of our little problem back here

"Stay... don't move..." I managed to say still holding her in place... not giving her a chance to move... she looked down at my lips for a few seconds before nodding slightly looking back to my eyes and we got lost again.

The car stopped all too quickly and she moved off me before anyone could notice and I regretfully removed my hands from her waist... suddenly missing the spark that was running through my veins at her touch

I was the last to get down the car because I was trying to hide my certain parts that was too excited to meet Amal

Since when do you get aroused just by touching a woman? Little bitch okay shut up

We got to the camels and she froze... she wasn't moving forward

"Uhm I don't think I can do this... I can't ride this..." she stated nervously and everyone turned to her

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