Chapter twenty nine

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Jason's POV
I sit on a single sofa in the VIP hospital area fuming... this uncle Hamza who I learned is their family's most trusted bodyguard turned family had just finished telling us what happened at the cafe with Amal.

I tightened my grip on the handle my hands almost turned white...
Amal does not deserve this... she's too innocent to be dragged into all this drama.

I glanced at Jasmine who was still sobbing in Nabeel's arms, Khalid was numb just staring out the window as his mom held his arm for support. I realized that these people actually care about Amal... I have to acknowledge that, but as much as they bring joy and make her smile... they also come with a baggage of pain and hurt.

The doctor came in after what felt like three hours.. we all rushed to him and he bowed at them in respect before he spoke.

"She was really lucky... you rushed her here and we were able to stop the bleeding, she has a concoction, three broken ribs and a broken right arm.. which will all heal in months to come.. in the mean time... she needs lots of rest and care... no walking too much, she should stay off her feet for a while." He finished and I finally let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

"Can we see her?" Khalid asked almost inaudible

"She's asleep.. but you can go in." He gestured and left

We walked into her room but I just stood by the door:.. I couldn't move any closer... Khalid rushed to her side and just pressed his forehead with hers lightly...
I took out my phone and dialed Amal's emergency contact... her papi.
"Jason... how are you my son?" He spoke in such a warm tone and I felt shivers...
He's gonna kill me

Jasmine's POV
"I hate her... I hate her so much." I sniffed as Nabeel just held me in his arms..

"I know... I know love. I'm so sorry.." he muttered and I try to push the shiver I get whenever he calls me these names.. it's been 7 hours and Amal is still asleep... covered in IVs and white bandages with a cast on her right arm..

"It's getting late ma'am ... you should all go get some rest..." I hear uncle Hamza suggesting to my mom. It's 8:30pm now and we have been in the hospital all day... nobody moved except to pray in the hospital mosque... we wouldn't have eaten if uncle Hamza didn't order it and shove it down our throats ... well... except Khalid... he only went to pray and came back right by her side... refusing to leave her hand. I could only imagine how he felt.

"Walk with me..." Nabeel asked me quietly as he stood up and reached for my hand... I took his hand and followed him.
We walked in silence around the last floor of the hospital which was entirely VIP... thus there were no commotion what so ever.

We stood at a balcony overlooking the now dark city with twinkling lights of cars and street lamps.... and of course the beautiful stars...

I noticed how tensed he was next to me... like he was trying to say something.. that was weird.
Nabeel has never had a problem saying his mind, he was always so confident it intimidated the most powerful men.

"Jasmine... I need to tell you something..." he started and I felt my heart race...

"What is it?" I asked trying to push away all the negative thoughts creeping in.

"I should have come to you first.. but I... i just had to.. I didn't know what else to do.." He stuttered and I literally felt sick... is he getting married too?

"What did you do Nabeel.."

"I... I told my father... uhm.. that I wanna marry you.." he said almost to himself but I heard it...

"It was the only way to get Khalid out of this mess... I'm so sorry" I added and my rage just grew from 0-18000 ...

"So you'd rather I suffer a loveless marriage than your best friend huh? Where does that leave me? Did you even think about how I would feel about it? Or my feelings just doesn't matter." I spat and started walking away

"It might be a loveless marriage to you... but not me!" He said sadly and that stopped me in my track...

"What? What do you mean?" I asked hoping I heard him right... or maybe I don't understand English anymore...

"It won't be a loveless marriage habibi..." he started as he took a step to me..

"I have been in love with you since Italy..." he said taking another step..wait Italy? That was my 16th birthday... whhhaaaaat???

"I cannot even imagine you with someone else... the thought makes me want to kill someone" he said calmly as he took another step and now he was toe to toe with me.. looking at me with so much emotions his eyes turned dark.

"I love you Jasmine.. and I plan to make you my Queen."

I was numb... it felt like I wasn't in my body.... he loves me... he has been in love with me?

"I know you don't feel the same way baby... but please give me a chance... I promise you won't regret it." He said almost sadly...

"You are dumber than you look I guess..." I muttered and he looked at me... oops

He narrowed his eyes at me with such amusement...

"Did you just call me dumb? That's a first..." he said smirking and I just rolled my eyes... yes... I'm probably the only idiot to ever call the future king dumb

"Yes you're dumb if you never noticed how much I have always crushed on you!." I say sarcastically and my eyes went wide because I didn't mean to say it out loud... I held my hands to my mouth to close it...great job big mouth!

He froze... searching my eyes... as if waiting for confirmation that he heard it right...

"Do you really mean that?" He asked coming closer and I feel his strong cologne engulf me..

I couldn't trust my voice... so I nodded slowly and his smile grew wider and wider until he was laughing in such a cute way my legs went wobbly...

He took my right hand and kissed it slowly... don't ask me about the electric bolts tearing my veins right now..

"I'm gonna make you mine... my Queen." He said and I couldn't control the smile and chill I felt.

Uncle Hamza knocked at the balcony door and I subconsciously took a few steps away from Nabeel.. feeling like I just got caught stealing... this guy on the other hand didn't budge... typical

Uncle Hamza was about to say something when his phone rang and he stiffened... he excused himself as he walked back in to answer it.
I followed him and went back to the hospital room with Nabeel trailing behind which only made my cheeks a darker shade of pink...

Moments later the doors swung open and two bodyguards came in... and I knew who was gonna follow... my dad walked in.


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