Chapter thirty

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Khalid's POV

"You need to go and rest Khalid

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"You need to go and rest Khalid... we can come back in the morning." Mama whispered close to me

"I can't leave her mama.. I can't, I'm gonna be here until she wakes" I say sternly and she knew I wouldn't move. She just kissed my forehead and Amal's... which made me smile a little... she likes Amal.

When the door closed quietly behind her it was just me and Amal in the room... the rest must be in the lounge...

I gently rubbed her palm a little.. her soft palm, wishing she would move... or smile because her palm is sensitive.
The thought of loosing her was unbearable...
"Please wake up my love... please open your eyes... I promise I'll make things right again. I'm so sorry I hurt you... I was so selfish.."
I stopped when I felt my voice cracking... trying to breakdown...

"I didn't know you were this infatuated with her..." I heard behind me...

"I have never loved anyone like I do her dad..." I say slowly staring at her beautiful sleeping face...
my father must have walked in minutes ago... and probably heard all I said..

He gently walked further in, stopping at the bed side... I looked up to see him... staring at Amal... with unreadable emotions, oh how I wish he could see just a drop of how wonderful this woman is...

"Hamza told me what happened..." he trailed, and my heart started beating faster than I can keep up... I have been trying to push the thought of what happened... because I had wanted to hurt Salmah... badly.
I can't believe she stooped so low, if I had even the slightest of respect for her... it's gone now.

"I'm sorry father... but I can't go ahead with the wedding... not after what she did.." I finally say as I stood up and faced him... I know I might be selfish saying this right now... but I can't hurt Amal and I sure as hell cant tolerate Salmah

"It'll be wicked of me to force you on this my son... certainly not after all this... and I see that you care about her so much..." he said looking at her again... then a small smile formed..

"Reminds me of when I fell in love with your own mother... even though she made me go through hell first... she was a pain! But I just loved her more" He finished with a soft chuckle and I couldn't help but smile... my mom is still a feisty woman.

"You don't have to marry her anymore son... I can't let you go through all this, I know I haven't been the best father in the world... and I know I can never get back the times I lost with you... I regret it all son, I am so sorry..." he said almost inaudible but I just hugged him... I can't believe he was saying all that...

"Thank you dad... I'm sorry I haven't been the best son too... please forgive me dad" I blurted as I let out all my frustration, hurt and anger just overwhelm me.. we hugged for what felt like an eternity...

"I should go... I have to go see the king now.." he said slowly.. and I felt bad... no matter my feelings ... I knew how much he treasured his friendship with the king.

"Don't worry son... everything will be okay... I might have to get punched in the face by him, and of course I'll punch him back too...but we'll be alright"  he joked and I couldn't help but smile.. knowing fully well that might actually happen..

"Have you told him yet?" I asked... I knew if the king knew about his health... it would have been obvious..

"I don't intend to... but I would like to ask for a favor..." he trailed looking nervous... I nodded gesturing for him to continue..

"Would you come with me to London?... to see an expert oncologist... when Amal gets better of course..." he said slowly and my heart twitched

"I wouldn't miss it for anything.. insha Allah you'll be fine dad" I said giving him another quick hug that he was more than eager to accept.
He left after praying for Amal

For the first time in a very long time... I felt a little at peace... Atleast I got my father back...
now I need the love of my life back...
I gently grabbed her hand again... kissing ever so lightly..
Please wake up baby.

"You need to at least shave brother... you're starting to look like wolverine... I doubt she'll recognize you when she wakes" I heard Jasmine scolding and I just ignored her... knowing fully well her boyfriend is gonna butt in on the conversation... i know my beard must have grown crazily

"More like a wolf itself" he muttered and I just rolled my eyes..

It's been 2 days but it feels like months... I still refused to leave the hospital... Nabeel got me some of my basic comfortable cloths in a duffle bag. I just couldn't fathom her waking up without me next to her... I couldn't

"Where's Jason anyway?" Jasmine asked and I realized he was gone...
He was weirdly quiet today... looked tensed but I just assumed he was worried about Amal..

"Maybe he went for more coffee..." Nabeel suggested.

Caffeine has been our ultimate meal for three days now.. we would probably need our own hospital bed soon enough..

It was time for zuhr prayer and we stood up to head to the mosque.. I kissed her forehead.. smiling when I saw what she was wearing... jasmine and mama had helped her change into my grey t-shirt and black pants.. even with her asleep.. she still looked incredibly beautiful..

Mama came everyday for the whole day and she would leave at 4pm... but today she left early for something she didn't say...

No one has heard or seen Salmah since the incident and I hope to God I don't see her at all... I don't think I could control myself.

We walked out the room and as we were walking through the lounge the elevator dinged and Jason walked out... and I froze...

There stood Amal's parents.. looking pale and worried as ever...
This is NOT how I imagined meeting her parents for the first time.

Yay!!!! Today's my birthday! Enjoy the update!
I know I always keep you in suspense but hey!!! Makes you want more right?
Lots of love to all!
Do not hesitate to comment!
And certainly don't forget to vote!!!!

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