Chapter fifteen

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Khalid's POV
I slammed my phone against the wall!
She fucking hung up on me! If I could see her right now I would make her forget her name.

I knew sooner or later I had to tell her about Salmah but I didn't want to just yet... I wanted to be sure of my feelings

I was in my penthouse making coffee and waiting for Nabeel because we had an impromptu meeting that morning when I got Jasmine's call

"She knows...." was all she had to utter and I knew what she meant! She told me exactly what happened and my cup of coffee already met a wall.

I dialed Amal's number because I couldn't wait until I was done with the meeting to go to her, I wanted to tell her I'll come explain everything... but she hung up
And now I need a new phone

Just in cue Nabeel walked into the apartment.. and judging by his mood, he knew something. We walked to the balcony and just stayed there...

"I'm sorry..." he started but I cut him off

"It's not your fault you have a monster for a sister..." I said looking straight ahead... I didn't want him to feel responsible in anyway.

"I honestly don't know what to do anymore

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"I honestly don't know what to do anymore... I can't seem to function without her." I stated honestly.
I don't think I have ever felt that way ever in my life. It was usually the girls swooning and begging... not me! This was all new to me.

"Do you love her?" Nabeel asked the very question I couldn't dare ask myself because I was scared of the answer... but I knew it deep down...

"I don't think I have ever felt this way about anyone." I tried...

"Yes or no brother...?" He insisted

"I do... hell I love her more than my heart can take..." I admitted and I instantly felt a little relieved about my confession.

"Then tell her..." he suggested

"What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if ... what about.... father..?" I started panicking... there were so many obstacles in our way... I suddenly started sweating just from the thoughts.

"One step at a time.." he said with a slow reassuring smile.. he texted on his phone for a few seconds then paused... he then made a call.. after the first ring, someone picked

"Ready the jet... we are going to Berlin" he said and hung up "I think you should get packing your excellency... Amal is in Berlin"
Wait what????

Thirty minutes later we were already headed to the airport, I was on edge... I just wanted to see her, my once neatly laid back hair was no more thanks to my restless hands.

"Could you drive any faster?" I yelled at the driver who flinched and I felt bad for him

"Relax, we'll get there in no time, she's not running anywhere" Jasmine reassured, obviously tagging along... she better be right. Even if she did run... there's no place she could hide from me.... I will find her, and I will make her mine.

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