Chapter two

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Amal's POV
After what felt like forever, Jason being my guardian angel came over and helped me arrange my apartment...

"I can't believe I'm helping you when I have my own place to fix..." Jason says bitterly as he tiredly moves the couch left and right while I gave the orders, I wanted everything to be perfect...yes...I'm a perfectionist and some people think I have OCD (obsessive cleaning disorder) and I can't stand being in a dirty place... it's not that bad thou... I think...

"Because I am your only friend in this whole wide world...and you love me" I teased while I spread the small off white rug in the center of the petite living room.

"Oh shut it before I flip this couch and walk out.." he paused, daring me... but I knew he was capable of it so I just rolled my eyes and moved to the small kitchenette.

After another was already 7:30 I went to my room and prayed Magrib and isha. we were slumped on the couch... tired and hungry, so we ordered pizza and rewatched the first season of game of thrones and Jason left at 9:30. I FaceTime with my parents... which was a battle because they couldn't operate it and they kept on arguing about who was better with technology, you would think a professor and a doctor will know how to use smart phones... nah. I pretty much fell asleep and left them arguing.
I am trying so hard to ignore my alarm...but it keeps ringing... I try to reach for my phone thinking I was still back home, in my very huge bed...I fell from my new smaller bed...
"Oh God!..." I groan and slowly opened my eyes...realizing it was still a bit dark...I knew my alarm was for fajr prayer, I stood quickly and went to the bathroom... my mom thought me to never ever miss fajr prayer as it is one of the most important times and Allah blesses those that pray while others are asleep.

I couldn't go back to sleep after that probably because I missed home. I lay in bed thinking about what they could be doing by this time, they were probably still asleep, we were an hour ahead in Egypt so it's 3:50a.m in Nigeria...but I know my dad is up and praying nafilah...oh how much I miss him.

Well it was you who decided to leave them...duh my conscience being a mean ass right now.

I slowly drift back to sleep....

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

The knocking brings me back to life... but it doesn't stop...I check my phone and I must have slept for five hours because it was almost noon.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

I could bet my life it was Jason... he is the only one that can annoy and torture my life even from the way he knocks. I quickly get up and pick up a hijab to cover my hair... Jason might be my best friend...but he's not my Muharram... so he can't see my body or hair. I walk out covered in my sweat pants and baggy shirt and a bow turban on my head, I opened the door glaring at him.

"Were you dying or something? Why are you disturbing my peace?" I ask still holding the door and not letting him in.

"Well you look like shit... is that a forest hiding in your hijab?" He teased casually standing there in khaki jeans, a black shirt and black jacket, hands in pocket. He pushed the door and walked passed me and went straight to the fridge.
I stare at him, if I could shoot lasers through my eyes...he'd be dead now.

"Why's your fridge empty?" He asks as if he expected a fairy godmother to come in the middle of the night and stalk my fridge so we don't have to go grocery shopping....if only it was possible...

"I am trying so hard not to throw you out right now...don't test me...I'm sleepy and I'm hungry." I warn him as I sit on the counter confused...weighing my options...sleep or food? I love both.

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