Chapter Twelve

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Khalid's POV
"Just make sure the shipment gets here on time... and schedule the meeting with the clients first thing In the morning" I hung up the phone...

I have been deliberately working overtime because of two things... my mother's birthday was in a month, which means I will be engaged in a month... and I cannot seem to stop thinking about Amal.

It has been a week, two days and six hours since I last saw her

And 57 minutes punk

But I cannot seem to keep her off my mind... it took everything in me not to go to her. I didn't understand what I felt for her... but I was just so sure that all I wanted was to be with her.. no matter the cost

"I think I need a vacation..." Nabeel pouted next to me in my penthouse... it was Saturday and he was being a pain when all I wanted to do was stay home... or go see her

"You are always on a vacation bro" I sarcastically smiled but maybe a few days away from Amal would help......Nahhhhh

"I'm gonna enjoy it while I can!" He shrugged
"Hey I have to ask... what's up with you and Amal... and don't say nothing... cause we both know that would be a lie... and it is treason to lie to the future king" he said slowly looking me straight in the eyes

"You saw everything, I don't have to explain myself to you" I stood up and went to the large French windows, shoving my hands deeper in my pocket remembering our time in the desert... the way she laughed at my jokes, the way she made funny faces when she was being sarcastic

"Yeah... I saw everything... you should have been more discreet about that... not in a public place! What if father heard? Or worse... Salmah?"

I groaned regretfully "I'm sorry, I often loose my mind when she's close... I don't understand the feeling"

"But what do you really want with her brother? A fling? Because you know she will never be accepted... you are your father's heir... just because Ayrah got away with it doesn't mean you might be so lucky" he stated and I instantly felt like punching him... it was the truth.. and I was mad that it was

"Amal is Jasmine's close friend... don't mess up their friendship or your sister might never forgive you" he added and I shook my head and started pacing around... restless... I knew it was true

I sat down with my hands cradling my head

"What am I going to do man... I cannot function well anymore... she's always in my mind" I said honestly... hoping for a solution

"I know this might sound crazy and you would probably deny it... but maybe you are starting to fall in love...." he trailed as he studied my body language... "but the big question is... is she gonna be worth all the drama and chaos that will come with her?... think!" He added

We just sat there quietly for almost an hour without saying a word...
Me? Love? I don't think so. I have never been in love... it was always just lust or attraction.

But her....I find her beautiful, attractive and freaking sexy... God her eyes... I want to be lost in them, I love the way they sparkle when she is excited... I lo...
Love?? Shit

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang, I ignored it without looking at the ID... it rang again and Nabeel took it from me... knowing me well that I might lash out on whoever it was

"Hey Jasmine! How are you love... ohhh Amal.. uhm hi..." I shot up so quickly the second I heard her name... I want to hear her voice

"WHAT???? Where????" I stood up and I knew something was wrong. "We're on our way!" He ended the call with a pale face
"Jasmine is in the hospital..." Before he finished the statement we were already at the elevator
My poor little angel... don't leave me Jasmine

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