Chapter nineteen

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Amal's POV
I need food...
i woke up feeling a small leg on my tummy and hair in my mouth... hanan was sleeping literally on me, she was so adorable... I remember her asking me if I could read her a story... I don't know who slept first.

I slowly lifted myself off the bed not to wake them and I went to my supposed room... I prayed fajr and showered. My stomach growled and I realized I hadn't eaten the night before... I checked my watch and it was just 7a.m, the house felt quiet, I'm sure everyone was still asleep... could I wait? My tummy growled again indicating negative

I quietly went down the stairs and I realized how beautiful the house was, the interior design was a sophisticated modern design... simplicity in everything, neutral colors... no ornaments whatsoever...

"You're awake..." I heard a man's voice and my veins almost left my body! "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" Mahmud said in an amusing tone..

"It's okay, I just assumed everyone was still asleep, I just wanted to get a cup of tea if you don't mind..." I explained... he was already dressed in a crisp suit and the suitcase was on the couch

"I wish... I have an emergency surgery in 90 minutes... join me for breakfast! I noticed you didn't eat yesterday" he offered and I followed him to the kitchen nook where we sat on the stools

"Good morning ma'am.. what would you like to have for breakfast..." a sweet middle aged Arab woman asked as she placed a plate of toast, eggs and sausage on Mahmud's side....I'm guessing she's the maid.

"I'm already in love with that plate.. I'll have what he's having please... and my name is Amal" I replied politely and she chuckled and got to cook

"So! Nigeria huh? I have never been... I have always wanted to, but never got the chance..." he said curiously

"It's not so bad... I never thought I'd miss it this much ... but I do, I have never been to Morocco too, I did some research on their history in architecture briefly, I have been dying to visit and see for myself"

"It's a great place! Maybe when we finally become in-laws we can strike a deal.. you show me Nigeria... I show you Morocco..." he said mockingly and My eyes went wide but I stayed quiet

"Judging by your reaction I take it you have met THE father..." he said knowingly and I just nodded... just the mere thought of our encounter made me shiver.. what if he knew we were here together???? Shit

"Hey... I have been in your shoes... I think I still am... but do you know what keeps me going? That beautiful woman up there that Allah blessed me with... and those two angels.
Before we got to this stage... when it was just us, I wanted to just leave... but whenever I see or hear her voice...her smile? It's like I fall in love all over again.... if you feel that way with Khalid? Trust me! It'll be worth the trouble. Because you only genuinely fall in love with one person." He said sincerely and I smiled... he really is a great guy.

"Easy for you to say.. I'm still darker than you... you're not even black... you are beige..." I joked trying to lighten up the mood and he laughed so hard he chocked.

"I think I should leave before you kill me! I need to save a life in an hour" he chuckled before taking the toast and his suitcase

"Goodluck" I said and he left... now he got me thinking real deep... I mean I know I love him... and I know I'd do anything for him... but I'm scared... there are so many cons about this whole situation and it's making me feel nauseated.
Can you let him go? I don't think I can.
There you have your answer...

"A penny for your thoughts my love" I heard a voice very close to my ear and I almost fainted. He was standing behind me... supporting his weight with his hands on both sides on the aisle... trapping me.

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