Chapter sixteen

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Amal's POV
Okay my bum hurts and these flowers  probably just died...
I look up at the shadow that almost gave me a heart attack... I was about to curse Jason because he has a habit of scaring the jinns out of me... then I realized this one is taller...

It was almost magrib so it was dark already... my very first day in Berlin has already gone by so fast.

"I'm sorry I startled you my love" I heard that voice.... that voice
He came rushing, grabbing my arm to help me stand... I don't know how I can still feel that friction when I have a shirt and sweater between my skin and his.
Oh God what is he doing here?

"What are you doing here!" I ask as we came face to face... technically I still have to look up because i am practically a midget compared to him

"You hanged up on me" he said with a soft smile... and I realized he was still holding my arms... I carefully step away from his reach and immediately missed his warmth.

"So you followed me 3,200km because I hanged up the phone?" I asked sarcastically and he looks at me shocked. "Yes I checked the distance" I added... rolling my eyes

"I would follow you all over the world if I have to..." he said looking at me with so much emotions...
I just moved further away... I didn't know how to respond to that... but my heart was racing like Hamilton right now.

"Amal I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am... I wa...." he started but I cut him off

"When is then wedding?" I blurted... it hurts to talk about it, but maybe hearing it from him will make me accept and move on.

"I don't know and I don't care... I am not going through with it." He said in an angry tone... but he relaxed after a few seconds and walked slowly to me..

"I can't marry her when I think about someone else every single minute... it won't be fair on Salmah. I can never be faithful to her because I don't love her... I have fallen for someone else, I can't seem to stay away from her... she is all I hear and see everywhere." He trailed as he reached me... just a feet away.

"She must be one hell of a girl to get the great Khalid all mushy like a cat" I tried to joke to lighten the mood... because I was sweating right now and it is 18 degrees in Berlin.

"She's one of a kind..." he chuckled "and I'm not letting her go"

"Who's the lucky girl?" I asked crossing my arms with a poker face

"I fly 3200km to tell you this and you are asking me who she is? He asked with a raised eyebrow

And I almost fainted... I was frozen... frozen because I cannot begin to believe that this man right here... this Arabian piece of hot meat... wants me.... wait how?????

"Why?" Was all I could utter... and he understood my question.

"Because you are the one person aside from family that understands me... you are so kind hearted you don't even realize it... you effortlessly make me laugh even when I am at my angriest... you care so much about us that you are not bothered about yourself. I have never met someone like that apart from my mother. And I would be stupid not to fight for your love!" He quietly finished... waiting for me to take it all in... I didn't even realize he was holding my hands...

"I don't expect you to say yes to me now... I know it won't be easy, but I promise I will be better for you." He said with a sad smile and kissed my forehead,
It felt so warm there... I felt dizzy... it felt so right I didn't want him to leave.

he was about to walk back inside
"Your father... he.. he..." I trailed not knowing how what to say...

"He has controlled me all my life... he doesn't get to choose Who I spend the rest of my life with too..." he answered firmly.

"He is your father Khalid... don't defy him..." I try to reason, not wanting to be the rift between him and his father... and I'm kind of scared of the guy...

"I can defy him when I know he's wrong baby" he said firmly.

"I'm scared..." I trailed not wanting to sound like a lost puppy.

"I know Habibty... but please... just give us a chance.." he pleaded... then I realized how much he cares for me... I can't believe he wants me... oh my heart was about to explode...
We stayed quiet for a few seconds and I saw disappointment in his eyes when I didn't answer him.

"Yes..." I said so low even I couldn't hear my own voice.., but he stopped and looked at me in shock... then he smiled... the biggest smile he had and I chuckled.

I picked up my fedora and walked past him... hitting his chest playfully with it before passing him
"I'm hungry" I stated and I hear him mutter a "crazy ass" before following me. I had to do that because if I hadn't... we would be hugging or something right now... nah

We walked into the kitchen where everyone was... Jasmine was chopping something and sweating... poor girl...
Nabeel was amusingly slicing strawberries and when he tried to taste one he earned a smack from mama jay.... typical Nigerian mother style,
Jason was setting the table with papi.

"Ahhhh I was beginning to wonder if she killed you and buried you in the garden..." papi announced amusingly earning a smack from mama jay...

"I wouldn't do that to those poor roses..." I state nonchalantly and everyone laughed while Khalid just glared at me... serves you right

We all sat at the table and I somehow ended up in between Khalid and an empty seat... Jason, Jasmine and Nabeel opposite us and mama and papi at the heads of the table.

I was trying so hard to ignore how close we were... he made it worse for me when he kept leaning closer to whisper to me or try to cut my food...
What am I a kid now?

Jason just kept throwing questioning looks at me and I mouthed that I would explain later... everyone else seem to be oblivious about it.

Soon the men started talking business and papi was really impressed with the boys and he advised them... I was surprised how both Khalid and Nabeel listened so intently... you would think they would feel insulted because they are obviously far richer... but they were polite and humble.... can I love him more?

"Sweety could you help me with desert?" Mama jay said as she stood and I followed to the kitchen

"You can breathe now child..." she said amusingly and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding...

"How did y..." I started

"I know true love when I see one..." she smiled as she took out the strawberry cheesecake from the fridge and gave me to arrange them

"I'm scared... his father is a racist mama... and he's just so perfect... and I am just... me... I don't understand what he sees in me... I'm literally competing with the princess for God's sake..." I started rambling on and on and suddenly I started hyperventilating.. shit I just realized how fucked up it is...

"Relax my dear... love doesn't know rich or poor, white or black, princess or not... love is from the heart... as long as two hearts yarn for each other... the rest are just by the way!" She said reassuringly squeezing my hands.
"And you are a very beautiful woman in and out! Own it" she scolded and kissed my forehead and walked back to the rest.

I took a very deep breath and took the tray with me. I sat with my cheesecake ready to dig in...
"Hey Amal are we still on for tomorrow?" Jason asked checking his phone

"Uhm i change my mind... maybe some other time." I shrugged... I can't do it when they are here...

"What were you going to do tomorrow?" Khalid asked curiously

"Nothing really..." I shrugged hoping he doesn't insist

"I thought girlfriends don't keep secrets from their boyfriends Tesoro" he spoke and everyone went dead silent... well except a chocking Nabeel, the crashing of Jasmine's phone and followed by the shattered glass cup from Jason's hands... and then blood
Oh crap... now I'm dead

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