Chapter eighteen

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Khalid's POV
"Just cancel all my appointments this week... I'll let you know when I get back.. thank you Adrianne" I was sitting at the balcony in the middle of the night... I couldn't sleep

"I'm telling you dude... Liverpool will not go far in this shit." Jason said and I mentally groan...

"Wanna bet? Moh salah is gonna make us proud I tell you." Nabeel defended... obviously because the guy is his friend... well...our friend.

They kept on arguing about the champions league and on a normal day... I would have joined the argument but my mind kept on drifting to the love of my life... I haven't seen her since she ran out of the kitchen... I have been waiting for her to come down so we could talk but she never did.... I can't seem to shrug the conversation I overheard

"Okay I'm not about to spend the whole night with you two idiots arguing about football.. I'm out." I stood up to leave and they all did

We heard noises coming from the kitchen and I checked my Apple watch.. it was 1:34a.m, Jason walked in and we followed

My eyes widened when I saw my girl... she was so beautiful in her simple pink sweatpants and an oversized top...I can't wait to see her in my shirts...
Her hair .... ya Rabb her hair was long and black and wild... it wasn't braided like the other day... it was freely bouncing around as she walked around the kitchen while jasmine just sat there.

The second she saw us she tried to reach for her veil but slipped and fell hard on the floor and her veil fell in the sink
Oh oh
I immediately ran to her and helped her up, holding her waist and I didn't want to let go... she stumbled a little and placed her hands on my chest and I almost exploded! She slowly looked up to me, our eyes locked and everything else went numb... I could see how her eyes sparkled when I smiled at her... and when she smiled back, I wasn't breathing.
WTH is she doing to me

"Here" Jasmine spoke up and I unwillingly averted my eyes from my angel... she was handing me another veil, and I gratefully took it all too quickly and carefully wrapped it around Amal's head and she was just staring at me

"As much as I would love to see your hair forever and run them through my fingers... those two idiots are staring at what's mine and I don't like it" I stated seriously because I really wanted to pull their eyes out their sockets... I want to be the only one to see her this me a possessive pervert

"Possessive much?" She asked sarcastically smiling and I wanted to just kiss that smug off her face

"Oh honey you haven't seen possessive yet" i whispered and smirked when her eyes went wide... good

"If you two are done being disgustingly mushy... can I have a cup of hot chocolate?" Nabeel wined obviously jealous of us

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you buddy, grow some balls and find an actual girlfriend" Amal spat back amusingly leaving his jaw on the floor. That's my girl

We all laughed and talked till 2:30a.m and retired for the night

"Goodnight baby... dream of me" I winked at her and she was flushed. Good to know the feelings are mutual



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