Chapter twenty five

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Amal's POV
I packed up my books as the class ended... of course I didn't understand a word, it was hard enough staying focused.
I checked the time and the day had gone by so fast... it was already 2:30pm... I refused to go out for lunch, I knew Jason was walking around eggshells with me.. careful not to trigger the pain.

He knew how I dealt with pain more than anyone... first, I cry an ocean of tears... as I pray... alone.
Second, denial... I pretend everything is okay and move on.
Third, I try to stitch up the wound without treating it... i.e I move on without ever confronting my anger.
If you try to stop my process... and I don't want to act on it.. I move to plan B... i.e I became an emotionless beast... and only a very limited number of people can get me out of that cage once I get in.

"Hey! So how did it go??" I asked Jason as I caught up with him

"It was ait... I mean I did get an A so..." he said flaunting his rolls of landscape drawings that he had been working on.

"Good for you smartass!!! Now I have mine to look forward to... which is in two friggin days and I still have ALOT to work on!" I complained and whined as we walked home.
He did not suggest the cafe because he knew I was avoiding Jasmine.

I do not blame her for her brother's actions, but right now... I do not want a single reminder of him.
He still hadn't called or texted and it hurts like a stab in the heart... but I guess I wasn't even worth that.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jason asked nervously and I realized I had zoned out.

"You know better than to ask that..." I simply stated and he understood.

We arrived at my place and because I could literally do anything to keep my mind occupied... I got cooking and Jason helped... well not really, he just made more mess. I mean staying with me for all those years you would think he at least learned how to boil the friggin pasta... argh

After lunch we played video games and FaceTime with our parents... of course when the asked about my lifeless poofy ex-crying face... we just told them we had exams around the corner and it has been stressful.

I noticed that Jason's phone kept on vibrating and told him it was okay to get it.
"You should answer that..." I suggested
"It's Jessica..." he trailed... ahhh! The psycho girlfriend.

"You can't avoid her forever you know..." as much as I'd like him to do that... I know he still has feelings for her.
"It's sad how we are both so unlucky with love..." I added with a sad smile... swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat.

"If only it was us against the world..." he trailed. For a few seconds I saw the sincerity in his face... masked with an emotion I couldn't quite pin point. It was as if he actually meant what he said... I was about to ask when he shouted... the F word.

"Shit!!" He muttered again looking at his phone.. sudden anger so evident on his face even I felt goosebumps.

"Jessica is in town... in front of my apartment." He muttered as if tasting the bitterness of his own words.
To say I wasn't surprised was an understatement... I knew this day would come.

"Took her long enough..." I say amusingly to a now VERY pissed looking Jason.
"How did she know your address thou.?" I asked knowing he wasn't stupid to just give it to her.

"One time she didn't believe I was home so she demanded I sent her my GPS location... God how could I be so stupid!!!!" He yelled at himself.

"You should go to her...." I reminded him.

"I'm not leaving you by yourself!" He said firmly and I appreciated how I always came first.

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