Chapter three

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Khalid's POV
"Sir...would you like another cup of tea?" The air hostesses purred...trying to flirt and failing terribly... she pushed up her bra to show her cleavage and her skirt is so tight she could barely walk.

"No Jennifer, thanks" I replied irritated and trying so hard not to snap at her or fire her. I don't blame her, she's one of many women desperate to wrap their arms and legs around me. I come from one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in the country, and to top it off, I am a silent billionaire myself. We come from a long line of royal money, we have royal titles, the closest allies to the royal family. My father and the king are best of friends and I....

"Why do you have to be so uptight man? Chill and enjoy the advantages...." Nabeel smirked while staring at her ass... she purred at his gesture like a lost cat, he is Afterall the crown prince...and my best friend... not by choice, we were shoved into each other's lives by my father and the king...hoping to continue the line of friendship. Nabeel and I were friends since kindergarten, even thou we have totally different personalities...I mind my business and never open up to people, I only trust my inner circle which include my two beautiful sisters and this dumbass in front of me... I can't believe he's going to be king one day. He on the other hand was the true definition of a playboy...he had the looks, the money and the title and he got away with everything.

Back in high school he always got away with everything...  the private school were compensated... they saw so much money the cases never left the principal's office. He became worse in college until he had an accident 5 years ago and one of our close friends Walid didn't survive. After fasting for 60 days...he changed...I was with him every step of the way. Of course he's still no saint...he still flirts around here and there, spend too much and smoke...but nothing extreme.

After staying with him all my life you would think that I adopt his personality or ways... but I am his opposite... I am no saint.. but I would never do anything to hurt my mom. I was in a relationship once...she was everything I ever wanted, I thought she loved me. But she destroyed me and changed me forever, after her, I never fell for anyone again, i became as cold as was the darkest times of my life and I actually flipped and started smoking and drinking and sleeping around. It took 2 years before I started realizing myself again, even Nabeel didn't like the person I became... he helped me, with my sisters and took a while but I got better. I still have that darkness in me...and that is why I never fell for anyone again.

My older sister Ayrah is 32, happily married with my two adorable nieces that have me wrapped up in their little chubby fingers... I would do anything for those girls. Even thou my father doesn't see eye to eye with Ayrah because of her choice of husband, she accidentally fell in love with an Afro Arabian man from Morocco but my father was racist... he disowned her even thou she was the first born. She gladly gave up all her inheritance for the man she loves and now I have never seen her happier in a comfortable space with her husband and babies.

Jasmine being 24 now, my baby sister is the sweetest girl in the world... we became more like best friends after Ayrah left. She confided in me on everything and I do same with her. We never miss a chance to visit Ayrah and the girls and spend as much time as we can with them without our father's knowledge. My mom is afraid of him, she cried and begged Ayrah not to leave... she didn't mind her choice of husband, but my father's decision is always final and I hate him because of that. I never disrespected him...but at the same time... I wasn't his ideal perfect son.

He was never an affectionate father, hell he was never even home... but when ever he was home... it was dead silent, we would have dinner without saying a word to one another and he was perfectly fine with that... he never cared.

He met my mom in Jordan on one of his many business trips...they fell head over hills with one another and got married even after his mother refused, because their family weren't rich...they were a peaceful small comfortable family and my grandmother wanted my father to marry someone that matched our status. After my mom had Ayrah, she fell in love with her in an instant...but when I was born, she almost went into shock out of joy...I became her favorite Grandchild until date.

After college I moved to New York to start up my own company from scratch...not because I had to, but I wanted to... my father has the tendency of pissing me off on a regular basis, and I never wanted to be in his debt...I wanted to have my own independent life, I refused to give him or anyone any reason to make me bow down to them... I'm my own boss.

Nabeel doesn't really care...either way he has to be king one day but he supported me and has 20% of my company shares.

As of ending last year, I was the 10th richest man on earth...and I don't intend to stay there... I will get to the top insha Allah.

"Your highness, your excellency... we have arrived..." the waitress announced passing flirty eyes on me as if I didn't just reject her moments ago...

"Thank you Jennifer" I stated without looking her way. I threw a magazine at Nabeel who was snoring next to me and stood up to get my jacket and laptop.
Walking out the jet I noticed two cars waiting, a white Royce obviously waiting for Nabeel and a black Bentley... I didn't ask Hamza to pick me up, I was just supposed to be dropped at my apartment with Nabeel... noticing my confused eyes, hamza, the family driver walked up to me smiling... he worked for my father since I was 4 years old... he took me to school everyday until I graduated college.

 he took me to school everyday until I graduated college

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"Just when I thought you would be happy to see me..." he reached up and hugged me... his eyes sparkling, like tears were trying not to betray him...he is more of a father to me than the man I share a blood with.

"I am happy to see you uncle..." I hugged him back... the old man knew me better than most.

"Your father asked me to take you straight home, he wants to have a word after dinner... I know you're about to negotiate so let me make it easy for you, I'll take you to your penthouse to freshen up first...I'll tell him the flight was delayed..." he winked at me with mischief in his eyes... didn't I just tell you he knew me better than most?

"Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without you..." I simply stated as I turned to Nabeel and told him I'd see him after dinner.

The only reason I didn't argue was because I wanted to see my mom and jasmine... but I couldn't help having a weird vibe that dinner wasn't gonna end well...I shrugged it off as Hamza told me everything I missed... after all, I have been away for a whole year.

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