Chapter six

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Amal's POV
"Remind me again why you need so much space? This apartment is too big for just get out of the house for some days reasons" I sighed as I looked at the huge beautiful empty space around me.

Jasmine picked me up at 10 and I had to see what I will be working on first before I know what needs to be done...

"Perks of having extra dough to spend..." she smirked and I mentally roll my eyes.

I took some notes and pictures, measurements and inventory and we headed to the mall to shop...

"Okay what about modern style... with a twist" I suggested... that's the 10th idea I gave her...

We have been in the mall for an hour and I already want to kick her behind... she clearly doesn't know what she wants... but she knows she'll spend a lot of money.

At the end I just decided to design it to my taste... I imagined it was mine... and I had unlimited finances...

Beast mode activated bitch.... yes!... I agree...

I called up Jason to meet me at the mall for extra opinion... not that we ever agreed on anything, but he is an architect...

"Remind me again what friend you had drinks with yesterday?" I asked folding my arms as we were walking to the pillow section.

"I can't remind you something I never even told you" he shrugged looking anywhere but at me

"Oh so we are keeping secrets now?" He was hiding something... and I intended on finding out what it was.

"No Amal... I'd never keep anything from you, you know that." He sighed and rubbed his temple in frustration.... I could tell that something was up

"Talk to me Jason.. what's going on?" I asked looking at his eyes.. assuring him I would understand.

"Jessica was being unreasonable these few days.. she is becoming aggressive..."

Ahhhhh the crazy gold digging girlfriend back in Nigeria.... I should have known.

"At first I thought it was nothing, I thought she was just being possessive because I wasn't around anymore, I told her she could trust me... I'd never cheat on her... I love her you know..." he paused.. hurt flashing through his eyes... "she called yesterday morning cursing and shouting for no reason, then she demanded I send her a flight ticket... that she wanted to come visit, I tried to make her understand that I'm in school and I need to concentrate but she just kept on blabbing about how she was so sure that I was cheating on her."

That little b....

"I didn't want you or Jasmine to see me that way... I just wanted to cool off before coming to you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He smiled so sadly...

Now I felt terrible... this gold digging hole is becoming more annoying every time I heard heard about her... we don't like each other one bit... she is so full of herself, always desperately trying to fit in to the elite socialites... trying to get her claws on the rich guys like Jason hoping one day he would marry her and she would have the fame and shit. I hated her... but Jason loved her... and he is my best friend... I had to respect his feelings, I called a truce after so many scandalous encounters just for the sake of Jason... and now she was hurting him.

I would kill her if i could

"Oh Jace... I'm so sorry... you should have told me." I tried to use my words carefully not to hurt his feelings more... I knew he still loved her.

"I know I can't justify why this is all happening... but I can tell you one thing... if true love comes... and it will... your heartache will heal and that dark hole will be filled with so much love that the past (meaning jessica the gold digger) wouldn't even matter anymore."

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