Chapter seventeen

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Jason's POV
"Start talking" I demanded the second we were alone at the kitchen... Amal kept on concentrating on my bleeding palm, trying to clean it with sting abit but I've had worse.

Now I am trying to understand wtf I just heard a minute ago... girlfriend? Nah

"You do realize that this relationship isn't gonna work out right? Or have you forgotten his father who happens to be a tyrant? Or the fact that we are only in their country for 18 months?"
I spoke reminding her how big of a mistake this whole thing is.

She was still quiet... bandaging my hand, not even looking at me.. when she finally did I instantly felt bad... her eyes were red... meaning she's trying to hold back the tears

Don't get me wrong... I want her to be happy.... it's exactly why I don't want her with Khalid... I know he's a good guy and all... but the situation isn't really a walk in the garden

"Look I'm sorry Mal... you know I'm just looking out for you...remember what happened last time?" I tried to reason... remembering the past made my blood boil. I wanted to kill that son of bitch...

"He's nothing like him" she tried to defend... her face changed and I knew she was re-visiting the past.

"I just don't want you to go through it all over again babe..." I sighed rubbing the back of my neck

"Go through what?" I heard a voice from the door Khalid
He looked so tense I assumed he heard everything.

"It's nothing... it's time for isha prayer, excuse me guys" Amal said all too quickly and ran for the stairs

"Mind telling me what tha hell you guys were just talking about?" He said with evident anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry man, I'm not in the position to tell you that... just know this... if you hurt her, there are a number of people, me included that will kill you. She's a very special woman and if you don't know how lucky you are.. you don't deserve her" I stated in the most threatening voice I could ever use

He stared at me for the longest time a bit confused...
"You love her don't you..." he finally said.. and it wasn't a question.

"Yes I do.. I have from the very first day I met her... but sadly she doesn't see me that way... I am just her best friend, bodyguard and brother.... I never told her because I didn't want to jeopardize the bond we already have. I would do anything for her..."
I confessed...

I didn't see the point to lie... and it felt so good to finally say it out loud for once. I knew I never had a chance with her... it hurts, but it'll hurt more if she runs after I confess my love... so I stayed in the friend zone. They say if you truly love someone.. you would give anything to make them happy... even if it meant it won't be with you.

"My intentions are pure and sincere Jason... I can promise you that, and I do know how lucky I am." He said shoving his hand in his pocket.. I could see that he was sincere. Good

"Then I guess we have reached an understanding..." I say flatly "oh and if you tell her anything about my feelings for her... I'll kill you" I added and he chuckled

"I see your balls have gotten bigger these days... threatening every now and then... but let's get one thing straight bro... I can kick your ass before you can ever lay a finger on me" he smirked and walked out of the kitchen to join Nabeel for prayers

"Spoilt arrogant bastard." I muttered but he heard me because he raised a middle finger at me amusingly before finally walking out.
If he ends up with Amal it means I have to keep up with his arrogant ass forever... God help me

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