Chapter Twenty four

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Jasmine's POV
"How could you!!!!!" I threw anything and everything I could at both Khalid and Nabeel.

I just realized why Nabeel dragged me away from the crowd before father started his toast... it didn't dawn on me until I saw that witch snaked up in my brother's arms..
I looked up at Amal's direction but Jason was already dragging her out.

I hope she doesn't think I was involved in anyway.

I was frozen on my feet until they walked up to me... I could see her bitchy triumph face.. she can never fool me

"We are finally gonna be sisters!! Just like we've always hoped!" She hugged me.. digging in my skin with her blood red claws. I just looked at khalid... he was looking anywhere but at me, he couldn't.
I couldn't bare it anymore... I knew it'll be stupid to start a scene here.. I walked away... mama trailing behind.

"What tha hell just happened in there!" She demanded the second we were alone in father's study... soon the door opened again and Khalid and Nabeel walked in... Ayrah and Mahmud following behind.

"Why don't you ask him yourself.." I glared at my brother... he just stood there... with an emotionless face... looking anywhere but at me.

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation to all this... kh..." I didn't wait for Nabeel to finish when I threw one of the books at both their direction... missing them by inches.

"Look I'm sorry... but I have made my decision... the wedding is happening." Khalid finally spoke... I couldn't believe what I heard... this can't be true, even if it wasn't for Amal... I wouldn't want him to end up with a snake like Salmah...

"Your decision? Or fathers..? Did he threaten you or something? What does he have on you?" Ayrah asked trying to calm her nerves... Mahmud held her hand probably trying to control her..

"Look everyone just drop it! What's done is done!" Khalid yelled and walked out... Even Nabeel looked stunned...
after what felt like an eternity of silence. Mama finally sighed in utter sadness
"Follow him... make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.." she told Nabeel and he hesitantly nodded after his gaze was on me since he walked in...and he left
I wasn't in the mood

"I need to go and check up on Amal... if I had known this would happen... I wouldn't have even brought her here..." I sighed... trying to leave when Mahmud interrupted.

"Actually... if you don't mind... I'd like to talk to her first," he suggested... and I instantly understood, he has gone through this with our family and even worse... how he still stuck with my sister through it all was what I admired most about him. He is probably the only person that can understand what she's going through right now... I smiled and nodded and he gave me a reassuring hug and left.

I dialed Jason's number to know how she is.

"What?" He barked... he sounds PISSED!

"Before you say anything .... I didn't know shit! I swear on my life!" I confessed and the other end of the line went quiet.

"Meet me at the cafe in 20 minutes... and don't come with that son of a bitch." He hung up... whoa!

I quickly drove to my apartment and changed to comfortable cloths... prayed isha and left for the cafe...

He was already sitting at a booth by the window alone... where's Amal... oh God I hope she's okay.

"Hey..." I sat and he called the waiter.. I ordered for coffee...
"What happened jasmine..?" He asked almost sounding defeated... you could see in his eyes that he was sad...

"If I told you I knew anything... I'd be lying... you have to believe me. I was as shocked and confused as anyone else." I confessed

"She can't go through this again... I'm afraid of the outcome."

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