Chapter twenty six

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Khalid's POV
She left me... she's gone
"Let's go in brother..." Nabeel said softly and held my arm... I didn't fight, I just followed him.

Nabeel must have called Mahmud because now he's here and we are all in my living room... quiet

I had wanted to see her and tell her how sorry I was.. I didn't even know why I didn't do it sooner, I wasn't feeling too well and I didn't know how to explain myself.
As I reached her apartment I saw her at a distance walking alone... so I followed her quietly... still trying to compose what I would say to her...

Until I saw someone talking to her, I had wanted to fucking shoot that man. She is MINE!
I didn't know where the anger came boiling in my vein.

When I saw her trembling I called my personal doctor to come over and check her... now she's gone.

I sat on the couch... feeling lifeless, how did I get myself into this mess?
"Brother... We want to help you, we are blood before anything... but you need to tell us what's going on!" Nabeel suggested... obviously choosing his words carefully.

"I have been through this and worse... you know that! Tell us and we can help you.." Mahmud added... he was right, if there was anyone that would understand... it was him.
My father went to the length of stopping his scholarship in school... bribed him with millions of dollars to leave town but he refused... he worked 3 jobs to pay for his education... and he never told Ayrah until she found out.

I told them everything that happened with father... his health... his conditions and I made them promise not to say anything.

"Salmah always gets what she wants..." Nabeel trailed... looking pale.

The thought of Amal kept increasing in my heart... the thought of her being with someone else made me want to scream..
I didn't know when I grabbed a hold of Nabeel... tears suddenly betrayed me.

I have never felt this much pain...
I have never felt this weak... vulnerable,
I have never cried for anyone.

"I love her Nabeel.. I really love her... I want her back, she listens to you guys ... please bring her back to me... she'll come back if you ask her.. I will do anything to get her back." My tears still rolling down.. how I have become such a small child for her.

They were shocked to see me that way... but I didn't care... I just want the love of my life with me.

"Don't be like this khalid... it doesn't suit you. We know you love her... and we will help you. I promise." Mahmud said reassuringly
Nabeel stayed quiet.. staring into nothing... he was thinking... then he stood up and asked Mahmud to come with him... they spoke in hushed tones for a while before Mahmud came back... but Nabeel left.

I wasn't in the mood to eat or anything.. I did the one thing I know will bring me peace... I prayed.
Mahmud stayed so I don't do anything stupid... probably a good idea.

Nabeel's POV
I drove to the palace... it felt like the longer than usual... because I was thinking, thinking of a possible solution... I know what I have to do... but I'm afraid of so many things... the outcome. I hope she forgives me.

 I hope she forgives me

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