Chapter Twenty three

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Amal's POV
"You guys are the best! This is amazing! I can't thank you all enough!" Of course now I'm crying!

I didn't get enough sleep last night thanks to the amazing time I had with the finest guy in town... now I was woken by these beautiful people I call friends at 10am with lots of flowers, chocolates and a cute cake. Could this day get any better! Alhamdulillah.

"You absolutely deserve it and more!" Jasmine gave me the warmest hug

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"You absolutely deserve it and more!" Jasmine gave me the warmest hug

"Happy birthday ride or die!" Jason said coolly with so much emotions

We had the cake with tea and made noise for an hour... Jason left to I don't know where and now jasmine is shoving me in the car because we have to start "getting ready"! Party is in frigging 8 hours!
"Am I having a plastic surgery I don't know about?" I asked sarcastically

"Haha very funny! No... but we have a lot to do! Hair, makeup, manny and pedi! And a freaking spa treatment because your eye bags look horrible!" She ordered as she drove off

"If you'd let me sleep the 8 hours I wouldn't have the bags" I muttered hoping she didn't hear me
"I heard that!" Oh great!

Khalid's POV
"Salam mama... happy birthday." I hugged my mother and bent a little to accept the kiss on my favorite part of seeing her.

"Thank you habibi! How was your trip.?" She asked amusingly... wait does she know something?

"Meh... uneventful... but Alhamdulillah." I trailed... waiting to see her reaction.

"If you say sooo...." she shrugged and hummed her way to the busy house that was preparing for later.

"Mama!!!!!!" I whined following her and she stopped, giving me the most innocent eyes she could... but my poker face told her I wasn't buying it... nope

"Argh fine! The girls told me everything!" She confessed... I was about to say something when she smacked me... hard!!!
"And that was for not telling me first! I taught you better than that you idiot!" She scolded

"Wait you're not mad about my choice?" I asked confused...

"Of course I'm not! I just want you to be happy son... i want you to and laugh as hard as you can because this life is too short not to, you deserve to be happy." She hugged me and I felt a tear escaping me... but it dried the second I raised my head and my eyes focused on father...
He was just watching us... how long has he been standing there? How much has he heard?

"Meet me in my study... now!" He barked and left... I guess I'm about to find out! Ya Rabbi help me.
My mom squeezed my hand reassuringly and whispered
"Tell him nothing but the truth." She gave me a sad smile and walked away

I gathered all the courage I could find in me and walked in.
"What's going on son?" He asked tiredly... I was half expecting he would be yelling and throwing shit at me... or even worse... pull out the gun on me. But he didn't... it was as if he was too tired to fight...

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