Chapter eight

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Amal's POV
I was in my second class of the day and professor James wasn't really making sense...
History of architecture was my favorite course... I have a wild imagination... so it was easy for my brain to process all those ancient history and understand it...
but right now... all I could see was his lips moving...

Well you can't seem to stop thinking about a certain hot Arabian guy... duh oh shut up ... that's not true
You know it is... my subconscious folded her arms and raised her eye brow obviously waiting for me to deny... okay maybe I was ... so what?

Can't a girl day dream for once in her life? It's not like it's gonna ever happen between us... hell I don't even fit the criteria.

He's Arab... devilishly handsome... and he is basically royalty here... who am I?

I'm not even something in my own country.

I looked down at my phone and it was a message from Jasmine...
"I'm throwing a house warming party at my place tonight... well maybe just a quiet dinner with friends and family.. you are coming and I am not taking no for an answer! See yah xoxo" I mentally roll my eyes as I read it in her threatening voice...

That day after everyone left.. I gave her back her black card and a receipt of every single item I bought... I was always like that.. I never ever take what isn't mine...
that's why I was trusted back home by everyone... I simply feared the wrath of Allah if I ever stole or possessed haram..

She was so shocked and angry that I didn't buy anything for myself but I apologized and left... we met once after that for a quick coffee but we have been busy with classes and now it was Friday again!

YESSSSSS! FIFA here I come!

I replied her back quickly
"From the looks of it... it seems I don't really have a choice... see you soon xoxo"

She replied instantly
"Oh honey you are right! You can bring Jason!"

I am sure he would be delighted... he hasn't been himself lately with all the Jessica drama.. I think it'll be good to have people around him..

The class finally ended and I met Jason outside talking to another girl from my class... maryam I think her name was... nothing strange there... he is  a charmer...
But then he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck looking down...

Okay I know that move... he likes her?????

And to my surprise... she was blushing as well

Oh shit

I walked towards them and said salam to her... she answered but quickly waved goodbye politely... I turned to look at Jason's eyes  following her out... I smacked him with my book and he groaned in pain

"Ouch!!!! WTF Amal? Are you trying to kill me??" He glared at me and I raised my eyebrow

"It's nothing! We were just talking!" He defended obviously understanding why I reacted the way I did!

"You did the JACE move... you only do that when you actually like someone" I stated knowingly

"That's not true! Look drop it will you? I'm hungry" he suggested and my stomach growled in agreement! He knew how to change the topic.. he knew I was hungry... and I gave up.
For now

On our way home I told him about Jasmine's invitation and he was more than happy to attend.

We went our separate ways agreeing to meet at 7 so we could ride the taxi together... Jason's family are practically billionaires in Nigeria... but he was the simplest guy ever.. his mom suggested he get a car here but he refused... he'd rather walk with me everyday to school and back home... crazy ass

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