Chapter thirty three

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Amal's POV
"Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?" Jason asked as i curiously watched my hospital room door where my father just exited with Khalid and Nabeel heading to the mosque

"You tell me... when did Baba become friends with them? I mean was I gone for a decade or something?"
I know my father... he is super protective of me... he has never approved of any man... he always said they were not good enough for his little princess.

"Beats me..." he said flatly but I narrowed my eyes.. he's hiding something

"What do you know that I don't Jace?" I raised an eyebrow... and his expression confirmed it.

"Nothing Mal... it's nothing.." he said all too quickly as he stood up and started packing my stuff..

We were finally leaving the hospital and I can't wait... Khalid made me change into another of his hoody and pants and I am so not complaining
I love how it smells just like him...

I'm technically not allowed to even lift a toothbrush and it's starting to get quiet annoying.
Mama had gone ahead with Jasmine to her apartment where I'm forced to stay till further notice... not that I mind... but sometimes I just like my own personal space you know?

"Ready Bunny?" Baba asked as they walked in and I smiled... we haven't really spoken just the two of us since he came... but I could tell that he wanted to talk to me about something... I hope it isn't about Khalid... cause lord knows even I don't have answers to so many questions...

Nabeel and Jason picked all the necessary things and took it to the car while baba followed behind.
The nurse came in with a wheelchair to help me in but Khalid took it from her... obviously ignoring how she was drooling all over the floor for him.. urghhh idiota!

"Don't worry... I'll wheel her myself. Thank you" He said to her flatly as he took it from her... she tried to insist... swaying her hips towards him but he just walked to me.

"Ready my love? Or shall I carry you bridal style baby" he said to me ignoring her entirely and my cheeks went purple... which made him smile.
She huffed angrily and stormed out... I couldn't help but laugh out...

He carefully placed me on the wheelchair and we took the elevator to the underground parking lot... it was more private... for their images of course.

He tried to carry me from the wheelchair again but I stopped him... he looked puzzled for a few seconds before he understood why... Baba was looking at us all too suspicious... I blushed a little and tried to stand on my own... the pain on my ribs almost made me faint.... Khalid noticed and carefully held my arm and waist... the electricity I felt made my head dizzy.

The car ride was fun... Baba was telling them stories of his past that made Nabeel choke on his own laughter... we got to Jasmine's place and took the elevator, I insisted on walking this time... my Baba held on to me...

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!" I almost fell out of fear from the sudden noise.... thank God I was holding on to Baba.
it took me a few seconds before I realized what was happening...

I noticed the balloons with get well soon written on them... so many flowers the living room looked like a garden.
people in the apartment... my mom, Jasmine, Ayrah, Khalid's mom, Mahmud...
I couldn't fight the tear that escaped me... these people actually do care about me.

Everyone carefully hugged me and kissed my cheeks and wished me well and I couldn't express how much I appreciate each and every one of them!
We had late lunch all together... laughing... just being happy... Khalid tried to keep his distance because of my parents, but he did not take his eyes off of me all day... which only made me sweat, knowing he was watching my every move.

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