Chapter fourteen

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Amal's POV
"Amal!!! Wait up!" I heard Jason calling behind as I was walking out of the faculty... it has been a hectic week, I had tests and projects almost everyday, today wasn't so bad thou... it was mid semester and we had about a week holiday. Of course we were given projects to work on before resumption but I just wanted to rest before thinking about any of that.

"How was the test?" He asked when he finally caught up with me and we walked to a coffee shop to have breakfast with Jasmine.
it became our routine since the Hospital incident.. she learned what happened and was so furious with her father and she came to me and told me she would never forgive me if I shut her off...

I still try to stay away as much as I could... but Jasmine always gets what she wants

We walked into the cafe and she waved at us and we walked to her... she stood up and hugged me, smacked Jason's head when he demanded for one as well.

"So we are free for a week... what do y'all wanna do?" She asked as we ordered our meals...

"My parents are in Berlin for a few days, I was thinking of surprising them." Jason muttered and I glared at him.. I know he misses his parents as much as I do mine, but he can't just leave me alone here for a week.

"Oh awesome I wanted to travel too... but I wasn't sure where I want to go, was thinking of heading to London to see Aryah and the kids... I miss those little devils." Jasmine said as she checked her phone.. "what about you Amal?" She asked

"I think I'm gonna just stay back... I do have a project to work on anyway." I say trying not to show my emotions... I couldn't afford to travel back home or anywhere anyway.

"Come with me to Berlin... mom has been asking of you..." Jason offered and I knew he understood my situation, but I wasn't going to inconvenience anyone.

"Nah I'm good! And since both of you are leaving.. I'll finally have time to rewatch the blacklist again" I mocked and Jasmine just rolled her eyes, she believed my excuse because I never ever showed her that I was struggling in anyway... but I knew Jason wasn't buying it. He just watched me and stayed quiet... thank God.
I was finally in my apartment, lunch was great but now all I want to do was sleep... i showered and prayed, changed into my comfy sweatpants and oversized top, braided my hair in two and lazily hopped on my bed with my laptop...
I didn't even survive 10 minutes into the first episode when I started snoring and soon I was dreaming of you know who...

The next morning I slept till 10a.m, it was odd because there was no call nor text from either Jason or Jasmine...

So I used the opportunity to organize my apartment, i was only supposed to dust a little and do some laundry... but being almost diagnosed with obsessive cleaning disorder, I literally went beast mood... and after 3 hours everywhere was spotless.
Still no call or text, weird....

I mean they are traveling soon, so I might as well start getting used to being alone right? So I showered and decided to go a little sightseeing around the neighborhood...

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