Chapter twenty two

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Amal's POV
I felt so disoriented because I literally just slept for an hour tops.. whyyyy is my phone ringing!
"What!" I barked not bothering to check who it was... obviously assuming it was Jason
"Well hello to you too feisty ass... get ready, I'm coming to pick you in 10 minutes" Khalid hung up. Wait what?

I checked the time and it was 11:30pm... I thought he canceled the date... argh. I stood up and just washed my face and changed into a simple black abaya. I am NOT in the mood, and he's about to get an ear full for waking me from my sleep!

As if in que... there was a knock on my door... exactly 10 minutes... what a robot!

I opened the door with the clear intention of giving him attitude... show him the black side of me... but of course he came prepared... looking all frigging hot in a black sweatshirt, holding a very big gift box and red roses. How I am still on my feet is a mystery because I feel wobbly from the depth of my heart right now!

He walked in and dropped the box on the coffee table himself because it looked so heavy! He walked up to me and grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss there

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He walked in and dropped the box on the coffee table himself because it looked so heavy! He walked up to me and grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss there...

"Happy birthday my love" he said in a dashing smile

"Awww thank you so much!" I couldn't help but get emotional... he came all the way at midnight to wish me a happy birthday... No one has ever gone through so much trouble for me...

"Since you didn't want to tell me.. Jason is my new favorite friend..." he scolded and I just rolled my eyes

"Remind me to whoop his ass tomorrow!" I muttered and he just chuckled..
My phone buzzed and it was a FaceTime call... I didn't have to check to know who it was...

"Hey ba...."
Happy birthday to you!!!" I heard the sweet voices of my nieces singing and my heart swelled! It was always a tradition.. they'd call me at midnight and sing to me. And ask me to make a wish.

"Thank you babies!" I said smiling at their adorable faces... and of course khalid had to peep to see them

"Who's that!!?" ilham the oldest butted in... she's 16...

"He's a friend..." I stated.. ignoring the daggers I was receiving from you know who...

"Is He your boyfriend? Where's uncle Jace... I know he wouldn't lie to me!" ilham rolled her eyes obviously knowing something's fishy.

"Okay I have to go! Goodnight babies! Love you! Kisses! Bye!" I ended the call...

"Friends huh?" Khalid asked amusingly...

"I know them. They will not rest until they know the truth... she's probably calling Jason right now..."

"I can't wait to let the whole world know you are mine!" He said huskily and I felt dizzy... Dude!

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