Chapter tweenty one

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Amal's POV
"Baby wake up..." i heard his chilling voice on my face but I ignored him... keeping my eyes shut...

it was a long ride from London... but perks of traveling with royalty... it was a freaking jet. I tried to control myself and act normal but I screamed when I got in... of course they all just laughed at me.

"We're here my love.. or do I have to carry you out?" He said amusingly and knowing him fully well... I knew he would... so I unwillingly opened my eyes and glared at him..

"That's better..." he chuckled and I just rolled my eyes, I sat upright and fixed my hijab, I took my purse and turned to a very pissed looking Nabeel, Jason and Jasmine... they were mumbling things I couldn't make out but I knew it was bad news.

Khalid walked to the back of the plane where they were and Nabeel whispered to him... his mood suddenly changed and he looked like his old self... angry, brooding... dangerous.

He whispered something to jasmine and she nodded. He walked up to me and smiled... it didn't reach his eyes.
"Everything okay?" I asked him concerned

"I have to run to the office with Nabeel baby... Jasmine will drop you at home and I'll come by later okay?" He explained but something keeps telling me that it wasn't just work... but I decided to go with the flow

"Okay... want me to keep some dinner for you?" I blurted... since when do I get this possessive and shit? I'm supposed to be keeping my distance... but when ever he's standing this close to me... I tend to do the exact opposite without even knowing.

"How about I take you out instead?" He suggested smiling and I instantly melted... I just nodded... flushed

"Sounds like a date..." he grinned and we walked out the plane...

Two black Cadillac Escalade 2019 were waiting for us with guards and I froze

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Two black Cadillac Escalade 2019 were waiting for us with guards and I froze..

"Okay I have to ask.. are you guys some undercover Pablo Escobars or something?" I asked and everyone just looked at me amusingly

"Darling... I'm the future king..." Nabeel said smirking..

"Don't call her that you egotistical bastard.." Khalid said possessively and I just rolled my eyes.. jealous ass

He opened the back door for me and kissed my forehead...
"I'll see you later babe" he winked and closed the door... leaving me all mushy! Bastard

They took the other car and drove off...
"I need my best friend back!!! Khalid took you over like he's the one that found you!" Jasmine screamed the second she got in the car and I just watched amusingly... knowing fully well Jason will say his mind too..

"Easy for you to say.. she just flushed our 10 years of friendship down the drain for him" he blurted bitterly! I knew it.

"That's not fair guys!" I faked hurt... I knew their game... they're trying to get me to feel bad so I can compensate them with something... perhaps food...

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