Chapter ten

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Amal's POV
Oh no no no no no stop vibrating!!!!
I groaned and snuggled further in my blanket
I rolled and picked up without even checking the caller ID

"You better have a good reason for waking me up from my sleep" I said with a very threatening voice.

"Open your door so I can kill you myself" It was Jasmine and she wasn't sounding nice right now. I groaned and rolled off my bed to open the door for her...
I checked my watch and it was 11 a.m... I couldn't really sleep last night because of some certain irresistible Arabian hotness.. I only started sleeping after fajr prayer

I was in my sweatpants and a black top and my hair was braided in two.. I didn't bother to were hijab because it was Jasmine... 

I opened the door with sleepy eyes but they went wide when it wasn't only jasmine staring back at me... it was Jasmine, Jason, Nabeel and Khalid... fucking Khalid

I did the next best thing... I slammed the door on their faces and ran to my room

Oh God! Oh God... he saw me in my pajamas! With my puffy morning face! And my braided crazy hair!!!!! I am finished! Someone kill me nowwwww

"Amal? I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't alone..." Jasmine was knocking at my door...

"It's okay... I'll be out in a minute..." shit I remembered we were supposed to go out today... but I didn't know the boys were invited!

I quickly got in to shower... washed my hair and dried it and got out...

Jasmine was waiting in the room...I picked my hair brush and threw it at her.. missing her by an inch!

"Hey I said I was sorry!!!!" She defended

"Oh shut up! You had to bring them here to see me in my horrible morning state! You are lucky I like you... you should be in a hospital right now." I threatened as I went to my closet

"Oh come on! I know he liked what he saw... he's still on that couch thinking about it" jasmine rolled her eyes and I looked at her confused
"Oh I'm not stupid!... I see the way he looks at you and the way you blush. I deliberately sent Jason home with Nabeel last night..." she smirked and I was too numb to say shit

"I hate you" was all I could say... she shrugged and walked pass me to my closet.. and picked out an outfit for me...

"Wear! I am waiting" she commanded and I just rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom

now! I am waiting" she commanded and I just rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom

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I looked at myself on the mirror and was satisfied...
now I face them.... ya Rabb help me

I walked to the living room to see Nabeel and Jason playing FIFA, Jasmine and Khalid gossiping on the kitchen counter.

Why does he always have to look so fine?

Leave it to Khalid to still look good in a simple khaki pants and a black polo shirt... his muscles tightened around it all...
Why me

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