Chapter thirteen

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Khalid's POV
"Calm tha hell down Kh alid! We are in a hospital" Ayrah shouted as I was about to flip the last furniture that wasn't broken or upside down.

After Amal left i went back up pacing at the lobby, I didn't want my mother to see me that way... I was so furious! Of course I knew father was not going to welcome her with open arms, but I thought he was going to be Atleast grateful she saved his daughter's life... if I knew I would have taken her away before he arrived

I could see the disgust and disappointment in his eyes when they told him about the blood transfusion... but he blinked it away and kissed  jasmine's forehead and walked out.. I had no idea he was gonna bump into her

Nabeel managed to get me an empty room because he knew I could turn into a beast when I got angry... I went in and destroyed anything I could find... I punched the wall so hard I started to bleed when Ayrah walked in

"You need to calm down..." Nabeel started but I cut him off

"Calm down? All she did was help her... she didn't deserve whatever he said to her" I shouted

"You don't even know what he said to her" Ayrah reasoned

"She literally ran out in tears... I'm sure you can think of possible scenarios" I sighed and sat on the floor

"I think I know father well enough to predict what's going to happen..." she trailed off... as if scared of how I would react to her next statement. "I think she would never be safe as long as she is in contact with you or Jasmine... maybe stay away from her..."

"I can't!!!!!! Dammit don't you think I would if I could???" I shouted exhausted as I punched the wall again causing my knuckles to bleed more

"Jasmine is awake..." Nabeel spoke after reading a message he received on his phone.... we all rushed to her room where mama was holding her smiling after scolding her and threatening that she would never let her stay alone again

"Hey little one... are you okay now?" I said slowly as I hugged her

"I'm fine...I didn't remember anything but mama filled me in" she smiled at me and her eyes scanned the room... "where's Amal? I want to thank her... I owe her my life, I don't want to imagine what would have happened if she didn't go looking for me..." she trailed as tears rush down

"Shhhh... you are fine now! Alhamdulillah, that's what matters.... Amal was very tired, she went home to freshen up, she will be back okay?" I said loud enough for everyone to hear so we don't tell her the truth, it'll hurt her.

I'm gonna bring her back, I don't care if I have to drag her by her hair... you need your best friend... and I need her... I want her... and I will get her

I drove to Amal's apartment in my Audi R8 at 5pm, it took me a few seconds before I could knock... my knuckles were really hurting. I refused to have it checked in the hospital because I liked the pain, it reminds me that I still have feelings... even though everyone else thinks I am as cold as ice.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door opened. My eyes fell on the woman that has been giving me sleepless nights since the very first day I met her... she was dressed in a simple long beige dress and instead of a hijab, she tied her hair in a cute bow turban. Her eyes were swollen obviously from crying and I instantly wanted to just pull her in my arms and just hold her there and never let go...

 Her eyes were swollen obviously from crying and I instantly wanted to just pull her in my arms and just hold her there and never let go

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