Chapter fourty three

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Amal's POV
"Wake up mi amore..." I hear a soft whisper on my neck...
that voice sends such strong electricity into my blood system.

"Uhmmmm" I murmured....
it felt like I slept for just an hour... why is he waking me up again... he knows I love my sleep, and I haven't gotten any from our flight I ignored him.

Just when I thought he gave up... I felt his arms around me and I tensed.
I knew his next plan of attack...


"Wait!!!!! Wait!!!! I'm up!!!!! I'm up!!!!" I yelled trying not to choke in my own laughter

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"Wait!!!!! Wait!!!! I'm up!!!!! I'm up!!!!" I yelled trying not to choke in my own laughter

"Well I won't stop until I get my morning kiss!" I barely comprehended what he said when I felt his kiss. Don't ask.

We just stayed there... lost in each other..
"Everyday spent with you feels like a dream come true baby." I could see the sincerity in his words... in his eyes... it gave me goosebumps.

"Thank you for being mine... I couldn't have asked for a better companion in this life and the hereafter.." I said softly and he grinned...
I knew that look... I quickly jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom... if I hadn't.. he wouldn't let me leave that bed.

I hear him mutter a "traitor" but I still ran anyway.

After a long sweet shower in our bathroom... I still find it weird that we live together now...

Sometimes I just stare at the massive diamond ring on my finger... then reality kicks in... I am married... and not just to anyone...
but to the love of my life... the hottest specimen ever...

I tiptoed out of the shower and almost laughed at the sight before me...
Khalid was fast asleep again... so I just dressed up quietly and went downstairs to my second favorite place in this house... the kitchen

I plugged my Airpods on and placed my phone on the counter and started grooving around to "rock my world by Michael Jackson"
My white socks made me a pro in moon walking around the kitchen as I started up breakfast.

I popped the croissants in the oven when I felt strong arms pick me up.. I yelped and he just placed me on the counter and kissed me.

"You scared me..." I muttered

"I loved the dance moves... but I just missed your lips" he pouted and that just made me laugh

Bang bang bang

"Oh God! Ignore it!" Khalid muttered... clearly not ready to invite anyone in...
but we both know who it was... And they wouldn't stop

Bang bang bang

"Baby... go get the door..." I whispered...

"No!" He said firmly still holding me in place on the counter.

"If you open the door... I promise to ....." I whispered the nastiest thing I could think of and the shock on his face made my day.

He didn't waste a second before rushing to the door and i fixed my headtie and went to my oven... I knew for a fact the guest are gonna be hungry.

"Yo Mal!!!! What's cooking? I'm starving homie!" I heard Jason yelling and walking towards the kitchen... I just rolled my eyes

"Stop being a shit face and get married too!" I heard Nabeel

"Like you aren't gonna eat if she offers.." Jason defended and I could literally see Khalid brooding but he knows he's promised something so he has to behave... poor baby

"Heyyyyy best friend! Missed you so much! How was the honeymoooon" jason mocked and Nabeel wiggled his eyebrows.

Yes... since the dinner night... he took me straight to the airport and we have been to Vienna... Maldives... and Barcelona...
it was the best times of my life.

It's already a month since the wedding and it still feels so surreal..

"Good to see you too Jace! How's bae??" Now it was my turn to wiggle my brows when he blushed a little

"Hi Nabeel! And why aren't you here with my girlfriend????" I scolded! I haven't seen jasmine since I got back yesterday... they literally live across the street and you'd think we'd see each other a lot... but my husband happens to be very demanding and hates sharing my attention... what a baby.

"She's coming... she had to stop by to get something." Nabeel mentioned.. and I just narrowed my eye.

"Im here!!!!!" We heard Jasmine from the door

"Oh great !!!! The whole squad has raided our house!" Khalid muttered sarcastically and I gave him an apologetic look

Jasmine briefly kissed her husband... punched Jason... kissed her brother's cheek... and took my hand

"You are coming with me" she stated and dragged me towards the guest room.. I was puzzled but followed her anyway

She locked the room and that got my attention.
"What's wrong?" I asked calmly... silently praying everything was okay...

She shuffled in her purse and brought out something and handed it to me.
"Do it now! I'm waiting" she scolded and my eyes went wide.

Khalid's POV
"Yes yes! I heard you... now get tha hell out of my house!" Bang!!

I slammed the door at their laughing faces! I have been patient for hours!!!! I wanted to spend time with my wife! But Jasmine took her to the guest room for so many fucking hours and when they came out... Amal looked like she had seen a ghost!
I tried asking her but she'd just give me a half smile and shake her head.

We had dinner before they left and now we were silently cleaning the dishes together...

I turned off the tap... and dragged her to the counter and carefully placed her on the counter and trapped myself with her legs...

"What's wrong my world? Why are you so quiet???" I asked her softly.. holding her waist delicately

"Nothing is wrong baby..."

"I thought we had no secrets?"

"Close your eyes..." she said and I looked at her puzzled... she's serious...

So I obliged.

I felt her move a little... the place something tiny and weightless in my hand... I opened carefully and saw a small toothbrush like stick.

I looked up puzzled... then she pointed at something... I looked down again... concentrating on where her finger is...
Two blue lines????
"Two blue lines?"


"Are you ...?"

"Yes.... yes I am!!!!"

Well out of excitement I  kinda picked her up so fast we ended up on the floor.

We are having a baby.

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