Chapter thirty eight

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Jason's POV

That hurts... I lick my finger where I just got burnt trying to make a French toast and failing miserably. Yes I'm a terrible cook....

Now looking at the burnt toast... I decided to just eat the white bread with peanut butter... I open the fridge to get it when I noticed a small container I don't remember owning... I took it out and the lid had a note...

For a rainy day when you're hungry and too lazy to come over.

I smile at the cute handwriting... Amal... I just hope khalid knows how fucking lucky he is..

I opened it and it was Chinese rice with chicken....God I love this woman.

There was a knock on my door... so i put it back in the fridge.. I wasn't about to share this food.. not even with Amal herself

I walked up and opened the door...
Khalid silently waited for me to invite him in... I moved a little and he nodded.

"I wanted to dis..."

"To explain why you went behind my back to ask for my best friend's hand in marriage?" I interrupted...

"I didn't know.. I swear by Allah I just found out." He defended...

I stayed quiet... I mean when Amal's mom called... she mentioned his father coming without anyone's knowledge...
Being the middle man here... they had to call me and ask for my opinion...
a big part of my selfish heart wanted to stop them...
But my soft spot for Amal wanted her to be happy..

"Look I know this puts you in an impossible position... but you know I love her... I ... I don't think I can function without her..." he said softly..

I believed him... I know she'll be happy with him... that's the only reason I agreed... they say if you truly love someone... you want them to be happy... even if it isn't with you.

I sighed and walked up to him... then I offered my hand ... he looked at me puzzled

"Welcome to the family I guess.." I muttered and he smiled... and hugged me...

"Okay!!!! No homo brother!" I patted his back and we laughed.

"She doesn't know does she..." I stated... not like a question... cause if she did.. I'd be the first to know

"No.... i want to make it right.... give her the proposal she deserves"

"How can I help?" I asked... and his smile went wide


Amal's POV
"I don't think it's a good idea for me to tag along... I'll be fine here!" I tried for the 1000th time...

Apparently I have a ticket to London too... but I have never been so scared of someone like Khalid's father.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn! It's gonna be fine!" Jasmine shrugged as she packed for us... yes they still treat me like jelly... I don't even pack my own cloths.

"Look you know I want to be there to support you and Khalid... but... I don't think your father would like me there..." I said softly again... remembering his threats gave me shivers..

"You'd be surprised..." she said mischievously... but quickly shrugged it off. "Look... I want you there... Khalid NEEDS you this for him, please?"

I knew I wasn't gonna win this... she had already packed God knows what in my box... I just nodded... surrendering and she squeals! Jumping in excitement... okay?

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