Chapter twenty seven

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Jason's POV
"Are you even listening to me?" Jessica has been nagging for the past hour about how I haven't taken her shopping or romantic dates since she came.
I suddenly grew tired... it had only been five days since she came... I haven't had a peace of mind since then..
what pisses me off more is the fact that I can't go to Amal... because she would want to follow and I know the last thing Amal needs is someone she doesn't like around her.

My phone buzzed and it was Nabeel...
"Where are you?" He asked flatly and I knew something was wrong.

"My place.."

"I'll be there in 5..." and the phone went dead.this should be interesting
I always message Amal all day long.... she'd tell what was going on and I even asked her to help me get rid of jessica but she just laughed it off

There was a knock on the door and I went to open it...
Nabeel walked in and Khalid trailed behind... well shit.
I hadn't seen him since the party and I wasn't in the mood to.

He looked rough... tired and his eyes looked like he hadn't slept in days...

"You better have a great fucking reason for coming here" I stated flatly and he just shoved his hands in his pockets... looking pale, I moved away so he could come in and he did with a nod of appreciation.

They walked to the living room and jessica came from the bedroom.. she was taken aback by their presence and I couldn't believe how she shamelessly checked them out... Khalid in particular.

She automatically started swaying her hips walking towards them in her tight blue jeans and a very indecent top...
"Hello... I'm jessica.." she purred as she stretched her hand to shake Khalid and I felt a sharp pain in my heart... she pretended as if I wasn't even there...was this what Amal saw that I couldn't?

Khalid and Nabeel looked from me to her and they must have understood what was going on from the scowl on my face... Khalid smoothly shoved his hands in his pockets and frowned.

She awkwardly let her hanging hand fall to her side and you could see the disappointment in her face... but it was immediately gone when she turned her focus on Nabeel...
she swayed to the kitchen asking if they wanted anything to drink.

"Actually we'd like you to excuse us.. we have something important to discuss with your BOYFRIEND." Khalid spat... emphasis on the fact that I am her boyfriend... if I wasn't pissed at him right now... I'd hug his ass

The daggers she shot at all three of us could burn a city and I couldn't help but appreciate their loyalty. She angrily stormed out to my bedroom.

"Now I see why Amal doesn't like her..." Khalid said amusingly and I just rolled my eyes

I offered them Amal's homemade apple juice that I always had stacked in my fridge... it was literally the best.
We sat in silence for a few seconds...

"I am rather an impatient man guys... please.., do tell me why you are here." I stated rather rudely... I can't wait to get this over with.

Nabeel told me everything that happened... and I couldn't deny the guilt I felt... a part of me that loves Amal really wanted Khalid to be the douchebag... I was envious of the love she has for him.
But the human part of me wanted her to be happy... because she absolutely deserves it.

"Have you told her?" I asked him but the sadness in his eyes told me everything..

"She wouldn't even listen to me... and I promised father jasmine wouldn't know about his health..." he slumped helplessly.

"That wouldn't be a problem... I can help you with her... the problem is your intended bride..." i stated rather sarcastically.

"I really don't give two fucks about her right now... I just want Amal back." Khalid spat

"Slow down buddy... we'll get there.."

We spent the next hour trying to figure out a plan and once we were satisfied... we decided to take Khalid to relax... he has been so tensed even an ant can sense it.

I excused myself as I typed on my phone.. then i walked up to my room and opened it... jessica was on the dresser brushing her hair... she had changed into a very very short red dress and black killer heels and i swear on a normal day I would have been on my knees drooling over her... but now all I feel is disgust.

"Hey there honey... are we going to the club with the boys too?" She purred as she swayed her way over to me... grabbing my shirt

"I just sent you your details..." I stated flatly..

"Awww more money baby? You really didn't have to..." she batted her false eyes lashes as she checked her phone excitedly... but then frowned.

"This is a ticket back to Nigeria..." she stated almost like a question.

"Yes it is.. I'll be back in 5 hours... that gives you enough time to get your things and get tha hell out of my apartment. I suggest you do that before I get back... or I promise you will regret it!" I made sure to say it in the meanest voice I could and the shiver and shock she had told me she got the message.
And I walked out. I almost proposed to this psycho... and she even manipulated me into agreeing not to sign a prenup. She was gonna bleed me dry and probably leave for her next prey.
Amal was right...
Amal is always right.

Salmah's POV
"Omg! You are gonna look Amazing in a custom made Vera wang dress!" I hear my two friends through their fake laughs... obviously they can't show me how jealous they are...

I mean who wouldn't want to be in my shoes right now... I am the princess and I am engaged to the most eligible bachelor in the country.
Even though he hates my guts... I don't care. I want to be called Mrs Khalid bin Ali... he is the richest man in the country... I wouldn't settle for less. That would be insulting.

My phone buzzed and it was the private investigator I hired after the engagement party. I needed to know everything... I needed to know his weak points to exploit... I want him to go on his knees begging.

The P.I told me 3 days ago that Khalid has been seen with another woman in public... and I wanted to know who that bitch was so I can cut her in half..

Now I have a name... Amal Waleed.
There isn't much here because apparently she's an international student... and freaking dark skinned.

there were several pictures of her walking alone... walking with some black dude... and then another with Jasmine.. that slutty traitor!
Then I remembered when I met them at her apartment...

The rage I felt was sickening. I checked her details and saw her apartment address... her faculty... even her timetable... the cafe she visits and the times...
I checked my watch and it was 3:45pm and according to this... she's in the coffee shop now..

Time for you to meet the devil herself sweety... I muttered dangerously as I sped towards the coffee shop.

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