Chapter seven

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Khalid's POV
It has been a week since I stormed out of my Father's house. A week since I slept well... all I think about is how in the world I was going to get out of the arranged marriage mess... for God's sake we are not in the 80's or 90's anymore... who on earth still arranges marriage?

Ahh... your father and the king? Duh

I went back to work to try and get my mind off everything but that didn't really work.. instead... all I feel is anger

"If it isn't the devil himself... looks like people were right!" Nabeel stormed into my office without notice... if it was someone else... he'd be dragged out by his ass with security

"What do you want Nabeel..." I stated irritated... he's my best friend... but I don't think I want to talk to anyone right now

"Let's see... I called your secretary to arrange a meeting with your company and I heard her sobbing... I had to threaten her before she told me that since you resumed this week.. you have fired 18% of your employees... made people cry at board meetings and yelled pretty much at everyone all day." He said sarcastically as he sat in front of me

I'll fire her

"Don't even think about firing her.. or you'll have to deal with me barging in everyday and annoying your ass!" He threatened and I sighed

"Look it's nothing.. I have just been on edge that's all... drop it... I'm not gonna fire her.. so leave me alone" I negotiated... hoping He wouldn't have to start a pep talk

"Look... I tried speaking to father about the whole situation... he's still insisting ... and the worse part is, salmah actually likes the idea" he paused... when ever he speaks about his sister he looks like he would puke...

They are not the best of friends...

"I dunno why but I think she is the person that brought up the idea in the first place... and you know father... he'd burn a city for his precious princess..." he said the last part with distaste

Salmah is a spoiled Brat... she believes she is the queen of the country... she has the king wrapped around her fingers, which gives her the upper hand in everything. She party every weekend and the tabloids don't dare publish anything or the king will have their heads...
She was arrogant, annoying but powerful... once she is set to get something ... she doesn't care how many people get hurt... she will get it... and now she wants me

I was never friendly to her.. but I was never harsh to her either... they were childhood friends with Jasmine but after high school they weren't on speaking terms... I never asked why but I was glad jasmine stayed away from her.

"I can't seem to get out of this bro... my father sent me a message saying the engagement will be announced in 3 months... in time for my mother's birthday... he told me to start appearing in public with her and all that." I said bitterly...

"Just keep praying man... it'll work out. That's all I can say." Nabeel said powerlessly

I promised that if I had to go through with this... i was going to make her life miserable.. I would never love her.. thank God she fears me... I will use that to my advantage. She would regret the day she laid eyes on me

You are in for a treat princessa

Our conversation was interrupted by my phone... it was Jasmine

"Hey munchkin..." I tried to keep my emotions in check... I didn't want another lecture from my sister... Nabeel's was quite enough

"Hey Kay... do you have time for lunch? Ayrah is coming too..." she asked... I do miss them... and we haven't really seen each other since the dinner.

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