Chapter fourty

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Amal's POV
I couldn't hold the tears... I didn't even know I was crying until I felt his thumb wiping them so delicately.

"Please don't cry baby... please don't"
He said so softly and I couldn't help but smile

"What about... what about sal..." I tried but his finger held my lips

"I can't even breathe the same air with that woman... and our whole family gave me the blessings to do this" he said with a small smile.
Whole family?

"You're killing me with the suspense baby... what do you say?" He asked nervously.

To say I was shocked was an understatement... to say I was confused was an understatement... but I knew one thing... this is the one soul I want to spend the rest of my life with... share my laughters and my cries with...

"Yes..." I said almost inaudible and he sighed in relief before he delicately placed the ring on my finger... it felt a bit heavy... I have never seen diamonds this close to me...

"Don't you ever take this ring off baby... show the world you are mine." He said possessively and I rolled my eyes!
He hugged me so tightly I just got lost in his cologne...
"I love you so much baby... thank you for being mine..." he muttered and kissed my neck making my giggle.

"Common... we have somewhere to be now..." he said typing on his phone and I just furrowed my brows..

"You're full of surprises today aren't you..." I said suspiciously and he just shrugged

"Get used to it fiancé" he joked and I couldn't help but feel happy... I'm a fiancé now... to the love of my life...

He told me how his dad went to Nigeria and everything else that happened... not forgetting to mention how they had to ask Jason's permission before they said yes which he found annoying but that cracked me up... Jason must be so proud knowing he had a role to play... I know for a fact he's gonna use that against Khalid...

We arrived at a restaurant called Le Cinq... it was mesmerizing...

The moment we walked in

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The moment we walked in... I froze from the shout of "SURPRISE!!!"

I almost stumbled back but Khalid held my waist from behind for support...which shot a thrill of sparks in me..
It took a few seconds to focus... I noticed a beaming Jasmine next to Nabeel, Ayrah and Mahmud smiling at us... Jason and.... and.... is that?
"Amna?... Ya Zara?" I stuttered almost to myself... my older sisters walked up to me beaming... then I noticed the rest of my siblings ... My brothers Ahmad and Abdallah...

I was still in shock when they both hugged me...

"You didn't think we would miss your engagement now would you?" Amna wiggled her brows and that made my tears even stronger... I hugged Ya Zara and she just held on to me... she was the oldest and she's like a mother to me... I couldn't believer they were here.

"My little bunny is getting hitched!!!!" Ahmad said as he lifted me from the floor making me squeal and we all laughed..

After everyone hugged and congratulated us... Khalid gave me a little space to speak with my family... I couldn't love him more... he was always so considerate

"Thank you...." I say when we were alone... well Atleast a few feet away from everyone... he pulled me by my waist and I flushed.. looking around hoping not to get caught... my siblings are here for crying out loud.

"Dont ever thank me baby... you deserve all and more." He said softly as he planted a sweet kiss on my forehead without letting me go.
I caught Jasmine staring at us and she wiggled her brows at us while Nabeel just rolled his eyes.. I was blushing so hard.. but this guy wouldn't bulge.. in fact... he only held me tighter. Kill me now

We finally sat and ate... laughed... talked... everyone was so happy...
I look around the table and realized something...

Love and faith brings people together in unexpected ways and places...
Who would have thought that I would find love where I'd never been...

Who would have thought I'd find friendship in strangers...

A second family in a strange place...

Indeed Allah is most merciful... Alhamdulillah for all my blessings..
I have everything I ever wanted and prayed for.

"A penny for your thoughts my love..." I hear his sweet voice and I just smiled.

We'd finished dinner and it was getting late... to my surprise we had to leave Paris that night... but Khalid was generous enough to host my siblings.. they would spend three days before going back to Nigeria...
oh how I wish I could join them...

"We have to get you back to prepare for your exams hunny....." Khalid explained and I remembered my exams... "and I can't stay away from you for three days.." he pouted and I just rolled my eyes... drama king

We said our goodbyes and headed to the airport.

Khalid wouldn't let me breathe... if you thought he was possessive... now he's worse... he won't let go of my hand...
As we settled on the plane he got an urgent call that he couldn't ignore.. he excused himself and went to the back of the plane.

I finally sit back... trying to recollect my thoughts...
I still can't believe I just got engaged... and to the most unexpected person ever... it feels like a dream... a dream I wouldn't want to wake up from..

"I finally get you alone..." Jason said clearly annoyed as he sat on Khalid's empty seat and I just laughed...

We never got to speak well during the dinner...
"How does it feel to be engaged?" He asked softly... trying to avoid eye contact..

"Strange... overwhelming..." I answered honestly... I had only dreamt of such fairytale life

He stayed quiet... as if struggling to say something... it's never like him to behave that way... especially not with me...

"What's wrong?" I asked... he just shook his head... but when he looked up to me... he knew I was worried.

"are you happy? With him?" He asked... almost to himself...

"I'll never be completely happy if you're not Jace... never." I said honestly... he held my eyes for the longest time... I could see the emotions rushing in his eyes... like he was about to shed tears... but he swallowed it, and kissed my forehead... ever so delicately...
then he rested his forehead and mine... and just sighed...

"I'm happy when you're happy Mal... you are the very best thing that has ever happened to me.. I will be by your side forever if you let me" he swore... and I couldn't help but smile.
Now I'm complete...

I rested my head on his shoulder and just breathed...
"I love you Jace... thank you for being my ride or die.." I spoke honestly... I value his friendship above most..

He stiffened a little before finally sighing...

"I love you much more Mal... much more" then it hit me...
What mama and my siblings have been telling me... I always just laughed it off...

Jason... Jason is in love with me...

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