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"Doggone it!" Taehyung exclaimed as he spotted a figure disappearing into the water hole

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"Doggone it!" Taehyung exclaimed as he spotted a figure disappearing into the water hole.

He rushed over to check out who it was, maybe some vagrant searching for scraps. "Hello there, can you hear me?"

There was silence.

Taehyung started to panic as he never imagined somebody would get hurt at the sound of his voice. He only meant to warn the trespasser, as wild animals often appeared when it's dark out to hunt for food.

"Hello! Hello!" Taehyung screamed again. "Answer me, please!"

This time, Taehyung grabbed the lantern he dropped earlier before he ran to the pit. He held the light above the well and witnessed a pubescent boy's head slumped against the wall.

"Wake up! Wake up! You can't sleep!" Taehyung tried once more, praying that the person would respond.

Jung-kook's head stirred slightly; its movement barely visible but the groan that came out of his mouth indicated that he's alive.

"Thank goodness! Please, please hold on. I'm going to get help." Taehyung shouted to the boy down below.

Jung-kook could hardly keep his eyes open, his head pounding, his body felt like they were strewn everywhere. He did not dare move his fingers or toes, fearing they would fall off if he did. Where was he? Why can't he see a damn thing?!

The last thing he remembered was a voice screaming. Was it his or someone else's? Jung-kook started sobbing, softly at first as he tried to regain his composure. So, this is how I'm going to die, he imagined, without friends, without family who probably would never notice that I am gone. Mother would just think I ran away after being scolded.

Jung-kook laughed to himself; he didn't know whether this was a nightmare or a blessing. At least, he wouldn't suffer any more beatings from his mom whenever he failed to do things the right way: the right way being Mother's way.

It's better if he perished due to clumsiness and not by suicide because that would surely bring shame to his family. His mother would get mad at him though if he died, because who else would propagate their lineage, him being the only son?

Such a dilemma, that even in death, Jung-kook could not please his mother. 

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