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1999, The Sun has Risen

"Eun-hye! You're taking this way too seriously," Jimin chided his daughter, who had been huddled over their coffee table, shuffling papers with multi-coloured charts around.

"Don't you think that choosing your grandson's name would be important?" Eun-hye looked up at her in-laws and threw a brief glance at her husband, now soon to become a father beside her.

"You know, we might as well throw names in a hat, and whichever you pulled out would be his name," Taehyung suggested.

"Really? And you suppose that calling my son Jikook is clever?" Eun-hye retorted, shooting a glare at the person who came up with it.

Jimin laughed. "Relax, I was just kidding. Don't be so worked up about it. But showing us PowerPoint presentations about each name's potential future is going overboard."

"I have to agree, Darling," Alex said while placing a palm on his wife's back.

"I simply want to have my son to have an auspicious name, hoping that it would bring him good fortune," Eun-hye explained, viewing a few prospects.

"We never pegged you as the superstitious type," Jimin surmised.

"Well, after what we've been through, I'm not taking any chances," Eun-hye said.

"Why don't we consult the Jokbo then?" Alex proposed, referring to the family tree book which specified what the dolimja, or shared generational name, would be.

"And whose record would we be consulting? Papa's or Dad's?"

Jimin stammered, "Urm.... we kinda lost that right after we came together."

"In more ways than one," Tae-hyung quipped, receiving a playful punch from Jimin.

"Anyway," Eun-hye interrupted. "So, what do you guys think about Dae-hyun or Man-Young?"

"Man-young? Oh I wish I was a young man too!" Tae-hyung said, chuckling at his own joke.

There were eye-rolls and groans from different directions coming his way, but Tae-hyung felt happy. He's surrounded with more love than he could ever imagine having in his life, and now this new addition to the family would be icing on the cake. 

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