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How the union between the Jeon and the Shin family came about was still a mystery to Jung-kook, or perhaps he became resigned to his fate that he just went through the motions of being matched despite his protestations

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How the union between the Jeon and the Shin family came about was still a mystery to Jung-kook, or perhaps he became resigned to his fate that he just went through the motions of being matched despite his protestations.

It wasn't for the lack of trying. Because he certainly did.

After a few months of being holed up in his room, Jung-kook finally ventured out to the quietness of the mansion. His mother thought a crisis had been averted and so she resumed her daily routines not paying mind to where Jung-kook disappeared. Most times he just stayed within the boundaries of their property, with an occasional look towards the far distance.

On some days, Min-A would drop by the Jeon household, occasionally with her mother, but mostly by herself. Each time, she would bring fruit baskets and a fraudulent smile as offerings to her future mother-in-law. Mrs. Jeon would likewise draw her lips into a thin line while she accepted Min-A's gesture.

Jung-kook's mother initially had the thought of refusing their entrance to her home, but the veiled threats she received from Mrs. Shin were too important to ignore. They kept proof in the form of a picture and it didn't take Mrs. Jeon more than a glimpse to recognize her own son.

The Jeon matriarch had no other choice but to accept Min-a as her daughter-in-law whether she liked it or not. It was better to be associated with a half-decent, middle-class family than with uneducated peasants who couldn't even straighten their own part-foreign son.

Min-A and Jung-kook were quickly engaged on paper as it had been arranged. They were to be wed two years later in a grand ceremony after they both graduated from university. Min-A was as ecstatic as a chirping harpy while Jung-kook just walked around in a daze. Sometimes these walks would lead him to the farm where he last saw his lover, and he would search for those pair of azure eyes which once pierced his heart with desire and longing.

Jung-kook later learned that his mother had evicted Uncle Nam and his son from their small house, citing the "poor management of the farmland" as the reason for their dismissal. The days were dreary, and the nights were long as Jung-kook waited for news of Taehyung so he commissioned Sae-Ron to keep an eye and ear out. She willingly obliged as it pained her to see the young master gaunt and unhappy.

Jung-kook remembered the day when he received word of his lover's whereabouts.

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